Exploring the Transformation of Movie Publicity Strategies under the Perspective of New Media Communication
Yutong Zhao
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54254/2753-7064/22/20231773
Abstract:Recently, the network set off a short video medium for the movie publicity craze, so that film publicity is gradually attached importance by film officials, and getting into the public's field of vision. Movie publicity cannot be separated from the support of the media, and the role of the media in promoting movie publicity activities should not be underestimated. Based on this background, through literature analysis and case study method, it was found that with the different mainstream media, movie publicity is also exploring new modes and methods. In terms of the direction and content of publicity, regardless of the medium used, the core always revolves around the theme of the film, the cast of the film, and the film's reputation. However, the use of media in different periods can lead to different strategies for the partial weight of the three in film publicity. In terms of publicity methods, before the emergence of online media, paper media was the main method of publicity, using text and posters. After the emergence of online media, online interaction and short-term marketing became popular. However, although it has a dissemination effect similar to the "magic bullet theory", it has a potential negative impact on the film's reputation and still needs further improvement.