Particle Swarm and Ant Colony Algorithms and Their Applications in Chinese Traveling Salesman Problem
Shuang Cong,Yajun Jia,Ke Deng
Abstract:Bionics appeared in the mid 50's in 20th century, people were inspired from the mechanism of organic evolution, and put forward many new methods to solve complex optimization problems.In these methods, the evolutionary computation including evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, and genetic algorithms is the most remarkable.With people's research to biological group behavior and bio-social, algorithms based on swarm intelligence theory have appeared including Ant Colony Optimization (ACO).Since the Ant System (AS) which is the first algorithm in line with the ACO framework was put forward, the researchers have begun their attempts to improve the design.The first one is Elitist Strategy for Ant System (EAS).The EAS mainly gives special pheromone deposit to the artificial ants, which perform so far the best in constructing solutions followed by the Ant-Q algorithm which combines ant colony algorithm with the Q learning algorithm, uses the synergies of artificial ants.Then there appears the Ant Colony System (ACS), Rank based version AS (AS rank ) and Max-Min Ant System (MMAS).These three improvements have greatly improved the performance of AS, in particular the MMAS gets a lot of expansion and becomes an algorithm of highly practical application and one of the best ACO algorithms at present.In recent years, there have been some new improvements of ACO such as Approximate Nondeterministic Tree Search (ANTS).The ANTS is extended to a deterministic algorithm later, and it has a good performance in solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP); Another new improved algorithm is the Hyper-Cube Framework for ACO, and its purpose is automatically adjusting the value of pheromone trails to ensure that the pheromone trails lie always in the interval [0,1].The current study for ACO has extended from TSP range to many other fields, and it has developed into solving the multi-dimensional and dynamic combinatorial optimization problems instead of the static one-dimensional optimization problem.The research of ACO has also developed from discrete domain into continuous domain.It has got fruitful research results in improving the performance of the ACO and grafting on bionic natural evolutionary algorithms or local search algorithms.This chapter is divided into three parts.In part one, in order to solve the shortcoming of easily being trapped in local minimum points, we respectively introduced mutation and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm (Kang et al.,1998) to the PSO, and proposed a hybrid algorithm by combined with the advantages of the strong global search ability of PSO and good local search ability of SA.The hybrid algorithm proposed was applied to solve the Chinese Traveling Salesman Problem with 31 cities (C-TSP).The comparative study on the experimental results with SA, elementary PSO (Zhong et al., 2007;Xiao et al., 2004;Li et al., 2008) and PSO with mutation were given.In part two, the mechanisms and properties of the five ant colony algorithms were synthesized, compared and analyzed including basic ant colony algorithm (ant system, AS), elitist strategy of ant system (EAS), a new rank-based version of the ant system (AS rank ), max-min ant system (MMAS) and ant colony system (ACS).The efficiency of five algorithms was also compared through their applications in the C-TSP.The investigations of the performances were done in the aspects of the effects of different parameters and the relations between parameters of the algorithms.The third part is conclusions. PSO and its application in C-TSP PSO with mutationIn the PSO, each single solution is a "bird" in the search space.The particles fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles.In every iteration, each particle