Selection of Microsatellite Markers Used for Pedigree Tree Construction and/or Paternity Testing in Chinese Holstein Cows
YIN Bin,YUE Shu-jian,YU Ying,CAO Qiao-qiao,WANG Zhong-hua,SHI Ke-rong
Abstract:How to use less and optimized genetic markers to achieve convenient and efficient parentage determination for cows was our research purpose,so as to effectively apply them into paternity test and pedigree construction.Eighteen microsatellite markers with high polymorphisms in cattle recommended on the web of ISAG were selected in this study,8 markers that could be efficiently amplified were genotyped in 300 Chinese Holstein cows from the Jiabao Farm,based on fluorescent primer and automatic sequencing techniques.The results of paternity testing efficiency showed that the average of allele number,polymorphism information content (PIC),observed heterozygosity (Ho),and expected heterozygosity (He) were 14.63,0.747,0.718 and 0.773,respectively.In 3 different conditions of known and/or unknown parent-offspring,their combined probabilities of exclusion (CPEs) were 0.990,0.999 and 0.999,respectively.The results of paternity testing from 8 father-son showed that the 8 markers could successively be used to identify correct parentage and eliminate error records in the pedigree.Combined probability of exclusion analysis showed that when the number of microsatellite markers increased to 4 (TGLA227,TGLA122,BMC1207,BM103),all CPEs under 3 different situations were 0.949 or higher,which met the requirements of paternity tests in individual case.While,the results of molecular pedigree tree building at population level revealed that when the number of microsatellite sites increased to 6 (TGLA227,TGLA122,BMC1207,BM103,INRA037 and INRA134),inbreeding coefficient and total inbreeding coefficient within population were significantly increased,suggested that the 6 markers could efficiently be applied for pedigree tree construction and/or paternity testing for Chinese Holstein cows population(<200 individuals).