Noise-induced and noise-enhanced synchronization of Chen's chaotic systems
Lifen Xing,Jie Liu,Gang Shang,Pengzhen Dong
Abstract:Chaos synchronization between identical or nonidentical chaotic systems,via either linear or nonlinear feedback control strategy, had been thoroughlystudied during these several decades. Most of existed studies were carried outunder the conditions where the control signal affect the interacted system'sbehavior without noise pollution (or with idea transmitter channel).Unfortunately, the real cases always run as just the other way, which means thenoise circumstances universally exist in the real world. In this brief paper, weinvestigated the complete synchronization phenomena of two Chen's systems underthe influence of common noise, which is more complex than classical Lorenzsystem cases investigated in some existed literatures, including both the caseof noise-induced synchronization and the case of noise-enhanced synchronization.Especially, the 'complemental relationship' between noise strength and thegiven coupling strength for achieving synchronization under traditional linearcoupled scheme was also discussed in detail, i.e., the 'combined effect' onsynchronization phenomenon when both the noise strength and the given couplingstrength are insufficient for achieving complete synchronization was discussed.It is found that, both noise intensity D and coupling strength k all playpositive effects for synchronization between chaotic systems. And the strengthof noise density D amazingly decreases after adding very weak coupling k.Numerical experiments illustrated our main opinion. ICIC International © 2010.