The Extended Bose Hubbard Model on the Two Dimensional Honeycomb Lattice

Jing Yu Gan,Yu Chuan Wen,Jinwu Ye,Tao Li,Shi-Jie Yang,Yue Yu
Abstract:We study the extended Bose-Hubbard model on a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice by using large scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We present the ground state phase diagrams for both the hard-core case and the soft-core case. For the hard-core case, the transition between $\rho=1/2$ solid and the superfluid is first order and the supersolid state is unstable towards phase separation. For the soft-core case, due to the presence of the multiple occupation, a stable particle induced supersolid (SS-p) phase emerges when $1/2<\rho<1$. The transition from the solid at $\rho=1/2$ to the SS-p is second order with the superfluid density scaling as $ \rho_{s} \sim \rho-1/2 $. The SS-p has the same diagonal order as the solid at $ \rho=1/2 $. As the chemical potential increasing further, the SS-p will turn into a solid where two bosons occupying each site of a sublattice through a first order transition. We also calculate the critical exponents of the transition between $\rho=1/2$ solid and superfluid at the Heisenberg point for the hard core case. We find the dynamical critical exponent $z=0.15$, which is smaller than results obtained on smaller lattices. This indicates that $ z $ approaches zero in the thermodynamic limit, so the transition is also first order even at the Heisenberg point.
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