Decentralized Low-Rank Matrix Completion

Qing Ling,Yangyang Xu,Wotao Yin,Zaiwen Wen
Abstract:This paper introduces algorithms for the decentralized low-rank matrix completion problem. Assume a low-rank matrix W - [W-1, W-2, ..., W-L]. In a network, each agent l observes some entries of W-l. In order to recover the unobserved entries of W via decentralized computation, we factorize the unknown matrixWas the product of a public matrix X, common to all agents, and a private matrix Y = [Y-1, Y-2, ..., Y-L], where Y-l is held by agent l. Each agent l alternatively updates Y-l and its local estimate of X while communicating with its neighbors toward a consensus on the estimate. Once this consensus is ( nearly) reached throughout the network, each agent l recoversW(l) = XYl and thus W is recovered. The communication cost is scalable to the number of agents, and W-l and Y-l are kept private to agent l to a certain extent. The algorithm is accelerated by extrapolation and compares favorably to the centralized code in terms of recovery quality and robustness to rank over-estimate.
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