A fast 6-channel pyrometer for temperature measurement of HED matter generated by intense heavy ion beams
P. Ni,V. Fortov,V. Gryaznov,D. Hoffmann,A. Hug,M. Kulish,I. Lomonosov,Y. Menzel,V. Mintsev,D. Nikolaev,N. Shilkin,A. Shutov,N. Tahir,V. Ternovoi,S. Udrea,D. Varentsov,H. Wahl,R. Knobloch,S. Neff,A. Tauschwitz,M. Kuster,T. Dafni,J. Jacoby,M. Kanapathipillai,M. Iberler,R. Berezov,C. Teske,O. Rosmej,S. Pikuz,S. Korostiy,A. Blažević,V. Efremov,A. Fertman,T. Mutin,Rodríguez Schollmeier,G. Prieto,F. Rosmej,G. Schaumann,A. Pelka,O. Rosmej,M. Roth,Orsic Muthig,V. Cudalbu,B. Hoffmann,D. Jacoby,J. Krebs,Rodríguez-Villasante Prieto,G. Ratzinger,U. Tauschwitz,Fair,Collaboration,H. Nersisyan,C. Toepffer,G. Zwicknagel,N. Tahir,V. Kain,R. Schmidt,I. Lomonosov,V. Gryaznov,A. R. Piriz,M. Temporal,A. Greiche,T. Hessling,R. Knobloch,Rodríguez-Villasante Prieto,G. Roth,M. Schollmeier
Abstract:Recent experiments at the HHT area of the Plasma Physics group at the GSI were dedicated to investigation of heavy-ion-beam generated high-energy-density (HED) matter [1]. In contrast to traditional drivers like explosives, electrical discharges and powerful lasers, heavy ion beams can deposit energy into a sample material homogenously. In the performed experiments, different metals (Pb, Fe, Sn, Cu) were heated by an intense uranium beam (350 AMeV, 2− 4 · 10 particles, 150− 230 ns pulse duration) and the target’s temperature was measured using a pyrometric method. The targets were foils oriented along the propagation of the beam with thickness (∼200 μm) much smaller than the focal spot of the beam (1 mm). The free expansion of the foil was constrained by a pair of sapphire blocks. Under this conditions the target is optically thick and therefore has a Planck spectrum of thermal emission with a certain emissivity ( (λ, T )) of the surface: