The Largest Clique Number for Graphs Realizing the Same Degree Sequence

Jianhua Yin,Jiongsheng Li,Guoliang Chen
Abstract:The order of the largest complete subgraph in graph G is called the clique number of G. We write ω(π) and γ(π) to denote the largest clique number and the smallest clique number for graphs realizing the same degree sequence π = (d1, d2,… ,dn), respectively.Erdos, Jacobson and Lehel[1] began considering the question of the possible clique number attained by graphs with the same degree sequence π. They showed that ω(π) - γ(π) is approximately n - 2n2/3, for sufficiently large n. In this paper, we estimate the values ω(π) for a special class of graphic sequences, which enables us to found an algorithm to estimate the value ω(π) for any graphic sequence π.
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