The Review and Reflection of the Fair Principle in Civil Law
Yi Jun
Abstract:There are some obviously unreasonable views on the fair principle in Chinese civil law, which present as definition tautology, lack of system in types, regarding fair principle as result fairness, considering fair principle as enabling clause or completely denying its authorization function, and believing that fair principle applies only in partial fields of civil law. This article indicated that fair principle was definited as that the idea of "suum cuique" should be realized in civil activities field at utmost. Fair principle presents as commutative fairness, attributive fairness, corrective fairness and distributive fairness. Among them, the first three live in the general status, but corrective fairness lives in exception, while in the judgment standard of commutative fairness, subject standard is general, but object standard is in exception. This analysis enhanced the system of fair principle. Fair principle performs as procedural fairness or formal fairness, and its function of authorizing judges to be engaged in active judicial behaviors only applies in exception. The principle universally applies in all fields of civil law, and it should be recognized as the basic principle of civil law.