Joint COMPSAC/SAINT 2011 Panel: International Perspectiveson Computed World: Software Beyond the Digital Society
Stephen S. Yau,Alan Blatecky,Zhi Jin,Wolfang Kellerer,Alkis Konstantellos
Abstract:Summary form only given, as follows. A record of the panel discussion was not made available for publication as part of the conference proceedings. Creating the digital society and beyond needs all aspects of computing, software development, and software systems engineering. The computed world embraces not only the information technology world, but also the physical world. Building on computationally smart environments, and trustworthy, secure, and dependable distributed software, this panel explores different perspectives on developing software beyond the digital society. Panelists will each address some international perspectives in a brief statement, with the bulk of the panel session being discussion and audience interaction. Panelists will address their vision for software beyond the digital society and the major impediments to achieving this vision; opportunities for collaboration across industry, academic, funding agency, and international boundaries; possible negative impacts or risks of developing software beyond the digital society, including societal, security, and ethical considerations; and educating students, architects, and society as users of the proposed vision.