Sino-US Energy Cooperation:Challenge and Opportunity Go Hand in Hand

Zha Daojiong
Abstract:Thanks to the joint efforts of the governments and the energytechnical research and academic institutes of China and the UnitedStates, the two countries have been well moving along the pathtowards expansion and closer cooperation in the field of energy,utilizing an efficient mechanism of cooperation established for thatpurpose. The energy cooperation currently promoted by the twocountries remains focused on the downstream link of the energy chainin China, with the goal of increasing the efficiency with which energyis consumed in China. However, propelled by the growing concernover the relationship between the continuing global oil price spike andthe increase in China's oil imports, the conflicts between the twocountries in the upstream and middle-stream segments get furtherintensified. The lack of understanding, or the misunderstanding, onthe part of the US, stems primarily from the lack of sufficientinformation on their energy development policies between the twocountries, which makes it increasingly important for China and theUSA to advance from dialogue, to worldwide cooperation. As two bigpowers, both in terms of energy consumption and political influence,China and the USA need to expand their cooperation in energy fromdownstream, to the upstream and middle-stream segments. Rightnow, it is advisable for the two sides to translate the challenges theyface, into opportunities, actively seeking communication oncontroversial issues, to reduce friction as far as possible, and to formmore extensive, deeper and more efficient cooperation in the field ofenergy, through multi-level dialogue.
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