Nondestructive Detection of Rape Leaf Chlorophyll Level Based on Vis/NIR Spectroscopy

Abstract:In order to measure chlorophyll level of rape leaf nondestructively and instantly,the relation between visual and near infrared(Vis/NIR) reflectance spectra of leaves and their SPAD values was examined.In the test,140 rape leaf samples were selected.Among them,70 samples were used for model calibration and other 70 were for model verification.Each leaf sample was spectrally scanned by modular spectrometer USB4000,Ocean Optics,USA.Chlorophyll level of each rape leaf was measured by SPAD-502 meter,Minolta Camera,Japan.By the observation of spectral curves,the spectral range between 680 nm and 730 nm was found significant for predictive modeling of chlorophyll level of rape leaf.It was also found necessary to put leaf thickness into consideration.The procedure of shaping the predictive model was as follows: firstly,prediction equation of rape leaf chlorophyll level was created with uncertain parameters;secondly,a standard genetic algorithm(GA) was designed for parameter optimization.As the result of the GA calculation,the optimal spectral range was narrowed within 696.82 nm and 716.53 nm.Compared with the r=0.4823 for calibration set and r=0.5649 for verification set without concerns of leaf thickness,the effect of leaf thickness on the spectral modeling was significant: the r of calibration set and verification set was improved as high as 0.8936 and 0.9178,respectively.The test shows that it is practical to use Vis/NIR reflection spectrometer for the nondestructive determination of chlorophyll level of rape leaf.
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