Structure and dynamics of phytoplankton assemblage in a small eutrophic reservoir with a short residence time

Hu Ren,Xiong Jiangxia,Han Boping
Abstract:Zhuxiangdong reservoir supplies drinking water to Macao, and also plays an important role in water supply to Gongbei water plant in Zhuhai city. Phytoplankton and environmental variables were monitored in a two-month interval in 2006 from April to December. 61 species of phytoplankton in total were observed in this eutrophic reservoir. The phytoplankton abundance was dominated by Chlamydomonas sp., Cyclotella meneghiniana, Planctonema lauterbornii and Cryptomonas sp., while the phytoplank- ton biomass was dominated by Chlamydomonas sp., Pandorina morum and Planctonema lauterbornii in green algae and Cyclotella meneghiniana in diatoms. In contrast to most eutrophic water bodies, the relative abundance of Cyanophyta was low in the Zhuxian- dong Reservoir. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was applied to explore the relationship between phytoplankton species and environmental parameters using CANOCO 4.5. pH, water level, phosphate and water retention time were the major environ- mental factors influencing the composition of phytoplankton species while Secchi disk depth and precipitation affects on the quanti- tative structure of phytoplankton community. The dominant phytoplankton species: Chlamydomonas sp., Planctonema lauterbornii and Cryptomonas sp. were more vulnerable to the variation of environmental factors than the other species. Their relative abundance were high in April characterized with low temperature, low water level and longer water retention time. The large sized species such as Melosira spp., Nitzschia spp. and Euglena acus prefer high Secchi depth and precipitation. They have high relative abundance in June, August and December. The phytoplankton in Zhuxiandong reservoir were characterized by fewer phytoplankton species and relatively high abundance for green algae, being different from most of eutrophic reservoirs in the same region. Flagellated green algae, filamentous green algae and Cyclotella meneghiniana (diatom) were the major contributors for phytoplankton biomass. The structure and dynamics of phytoplankton community was primarily controlled by short water retention time in the small reservoir.
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