A Research on the Consciousness of Shortcut Strategy Discovery of Primary School First Graders
Qin Anlan,Liu Dianzhi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.2011.02.037
Abstract:Using microgenetic method,this study investigated the effects of presentation modes of problems and contexts of problems on first graders' shortcut strategy discovery and consciousness of shortcut strategy discovery.With the microgenetic method,reaction time method,oral report analysis method and observation method,we conducted a 2-factor design in combination of 2(presentation modes of problems: complete condition and incomplete condition) ×2(problem contexts: blocked problems and mixed problems).We examined the effects of problem context,the presentation mode on one graders' shortcut strategy discovery and strategy development,the consciousness about strategic discovery on the inversion problems.This study consisted of four parts.Part 1,Pretest, included two sub-parts.In the first,we selected children by using addition problems aimed at selecting children who could not use the shortcut strategies.In the second,we examined the children with the test of mathematical performance in order to divide them into four groups.No significant difference was found among the four groups(F=0.23 p=.87).In Part 2,Practice,we investigated the children in different conditions once a week in order to examine the effects of different conditions of first graders' shortcut strategy discovery and consciousness of shortcut strategy discovery.In part 3,Test,to detect the effect of different conditions,the children of the four groups received mixed problems in an incomplete condition.We obtained the following results:(1) First graders used 6 kinds of strategies to resolve the inversion problem from the low to the high level: backup strategy,backup and retrieve strategy,order retrieve strategy,unconscious shortcut strategy,computation-shortcut strategy,and conscious shortcut strategy.(2) There were 3 paths of children's strategy discovery: the gradual mode,jumping mode,and convolution mode.In this research many children used the jumping mode(with an average of 65%).(3)The study proved the existence of unconscious strategies.Usually unconscious strategies came before conscious ones,but unconscious strategy didn't exist before all the conscious strategies.(4) The result revealed that presentation modes of problems and context of problems have a significant influence on strategy discovery in the inversion problem(χ2=39.37 p<.001).It is easier for children to discover new strategies in the complete presentation condition than the incomplete one,in the blocked context than the mixed one.To conclude,first graders discover new strategies more successfully in the complete presentation condition and in the blocked problems context.The study supports the existence of unconscious strategies.Usually children can discover shortcut strategies unconsciously and then use them consciously.