Physics of magnetized dusty plasmas
Andre Melzer,H. Krüger,D. Maier,S. Schütt
Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics
Abstract:Abstract In this review, we summarize recent advances in the field of dusty plasmas at strong magnetic fields. Special emphasis is put on situations where experimental laboratory observations are available. These generally comprise dusty plasmas with magnetized electrons and ions, but unmagnetized dust. The fundamental parameters characterizing a magnetized (dusty) plasma are given and various effects in dusty plasmas under magnetic fields are presented. As examples, the reaction of the dust component to magnetic-field modified plasma properties, such as filamentation, imposed structures, dust rotation, nanodusty plasmas and the resulting forces on the dust are discussed. Further, the behavior of the dust charge is described and shown to be relatively unaffected by magnetic fields. Wake field formation in magnetized discharges is illustrated: the strength of the wake field is found to be reduced with increased magnetic field. The propagation of dust acoustic waves in magnetized dusty plasmas is experimentally measured and analyzed indicating that the wave dynamics are not heavily influenced by the magnetic field. Only at the highest fields ( $$B> 1$$ B > 1 T) the wave activity is found to be reduced. Moreover, it is discussed how dust-cyclotron waves might be used to indicate a magnetized dust component. Finally, implications of a magnetized dusty plasma are illustrated.