Multiple Expansions of Real Numbers with Digits Set $$\left\{ 0,1,q\right\} $$ 0 , 1 , Q
Karma Dajani,Kan Jiang,Derong Kong,Wenxia Li
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Abstract:For $$q>1$$ we consider expansions in base q with digits set $$\left\{ 0,1,q\right\} $$ . Let $${{\mathcal {U}}}_q$$ be the set of points which have a unique q-expansion. For $$k=2, 3,\ldots ,\aleph _0$$ let $$\mathcal {B}_k$$ be the set of bases $$q>1$$ for which there exists x having precisely k different q-expansions, and for $$q\in \mathcal {B}_k$$ let $${{\mathcal {U}}}_q^{(k)}$$ be the set of all such x's which have exactly k different q-expansions. In this paper we show that $$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {B}_{\aleph _0}=[2,\infty )\quad \text {and}\quad \mathcal {B}_k=(q_c,\infty )\quad \text {for any}\quad k\ge 2, \end{aligned}$$ where $$q_c\approx 2.32472$$ is the appropriate root of $$x^3-3x^2+2x-1=0$$ . Moreover, we show that for any integer $$k\ge 2$$ and any $$q\in \mathcal {B}_{k}$$ the Hausdorff dimensions of $${{\mathcal {U}}}_q^{(k)}$$ and $${{\mathcal {U}}}_q$$ are the same, i.e., $$\begin{aligned} \dim _H{{\mathcal {U}}}_q^{(k)}=\dim _H{{\mathcal {U}}}_q\quad \text {for any}\quad k\ge 2. \end{aligned}$$ Finally, we conclude that the set of points having a continuum of q-expansions has full Hausdorff dimension.