Genetic analysis for developmental behavior of some seed quality traits in Upland cotton ( Gossypum hirsutum L.)

Zihong Ye,Zhengzhong Lu,Jun Zhu
IF: 2.1849
Abstract:Analysis of genetic main effects and GE interaction effects for oil index(OID), protein index (PID), and lysineindex (LID) of Upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) were conducted for2-yr diallel cross data by using a seedgenetic model. Analysis approaches ofunconditional and conditional variances andcorrelations were employed to evaluatedevelopmental behavior of cottonseed. Thephenotypic means were relatively larger forF 2 generation than F 1 generation,and larger for all generations in 1993 thanin 1994. The results of variance analysisindicated that OID, PID, and LID weresimultaneously controlled by seed nuclear,cytoplasm, and maternal nuclear effects.Genetic effects due to maternal nuclearwere relatively more important at wholedevelopmental period. GE interactioneffects were the main contribution to thetotal variation of OID at first two stages,of PID at the forth stage, and of LIDacross all four stages, respectively. Notonly the phenotypic correlationcoefficients but also the coefficients dueto different genetic effects variedsignificantly between traits themselves atvarious stages. Different genetic effectscaused the variation of the correlationshipbetween traits themselves at various stages.
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