Detection of common defects on oranges using hyperspectral reflectance imaging
Jiangbo Li,Xiuqin Rao,Yibin Ying
IF: 8.3
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Abstract:To detect various common defects on oranges, a hyperspectral imaging system has been built for acquiring reflectance images from orange samples in the spectral region between 400 and 1000 nm. Oranges with insect damage, wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, canker spot, copper burn, phytotoxicity, heterochromatic stripe, and normal surface were studied. Hyperspectral images of samples were evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) with the goal of selecting several wavelengths that could potentially be used in an in-line multispectral imaging system. The third principal component images using six wavelengths (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) in the visible spectral (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) regions, or the second principal component images using two wavelengths (691 and 769 nm) in VIS region gave better identification results under investigation. However, the stem-ends were easily confused with defective areas. In order to solve this problem, representative regions of interest (ROIs) reflectance spectra of samples with different types of skin conditions were visually analyzed. The researches revealed that a two-band ratio (R875/R691) image could be used to differentiate stem-ends from defects effectively. Finally, the detection algorithm of defects was developed based on PCA and band ratio coupled with a simple thresholding method. For the investigated independent test samples, accuracies of 91.5% and 93.7% with no false positives were achieved for both sets of selected wavelengths using proposed method, respectively. The disadvantage of this algorithm is that it could not discriminate between different types of defects. Keywords Hyperspectral imaging Principal component analysis Defect detection Oranges Ratio images 1 Introduction Citrus is one of the major fruit products in China. Its annual production is over 23 million tons. For a long time, the agriculture industry has attempted to automate fruit sorting in order to decrease production costs and increase the quality of the production. Fresh market fruits are graded into quality categories according to parameters such as size, color, shape and external defects ( Leemans and Destain, 2004 ). The first two quality criteria have been automated on current commercial graders, but fruits grading according to the presence of defects is yet very challenging, although the most advanced machines are also capable of detecting blemishes ( Aleixos et al., 2002; Leemans and Destain, 2004; Blasco et al., 2007a ). Since the color is the natural sense we use to make our first evaluation of the quality of fruits, most of the inspection systems use this information to detect skin defects of fruit ( Miller and Delwiche, 1991; Leemans et al., 1998; Mendoza and Aguilera, 2004; Blasco et al., 2007b ). In terms of citrus, Recce et al. (1998) identified orange defects based on gray value differences between defects and sound peel in R and G component images. A neural network classifier on rotation invariant transformations was used to recognize the radial color variation of the stem region. Diaz et al. (2004) observed abnormal color on table olive was related with low values of R and G co-ordinates. Defects were then segmented using a Bayesian model. Three different algorithms were applied to classify the olives, and results showed that a neural network with a hidden layer was able to classify the olives with an accuracy of over 90%. Leemans and Destain (2004) compared defect segmentation results of three models that were generated using the RGB, RGI and RGBI. The RGBI model, which was found to be the best, correctly recognized 100% of the stem-ends and 99.1% of defects based on Bayesian classification model. In a recent study, Blasco et al. (2007b) reported the application of near-infrared, ultraviolet and fluorescence computer vision systems to detect the external defects of citrus fruits. Although proposed approach could detect different peel conditions, a complex image processing algorithm affect the real-time application in packinghouse processing line. Kim et al. (2009) used 14 color texture features of grapefruit peel diseases to classify defects based on HIS model. López-García et al. (2010) developed a citrus fruits surface detection algorithm, which was based on multivariate image analysis strategy and principal component analysis approach. The success ratio for the detection of individual defect was 91.5%. The classification accuracy was acceptable. However, the complexity of the algorithm restrained the detection speed. From these studies, the researchers were more interested in detecting the defects based on color images and more complex algorithms. In agricultural production systems, the time available to evaluate individual object normally ranges from tenths to hundredths of a second ( Kim et al., 2002 ). In order to achieve high processing speeds, sometimes inspection system worked with low resolution images, or used more advanced digital signal processor. However, the low resolution images reduced the accuracy of the system, especially for detection of some very small defects, such as scale infestation on citrus surface, and the advanced hardware increased cost of system. Hyperspectral imaging method, which combines the features of imaging and VIS/NIR spectroscopy to simultaneously acquire spatial and spectral information, has attracted the interest of researchers as a powerful tool for detecting a variety of agricultural products. Examples include detecting bruises on apples ( Xing et al., 2005; ElMasry et al., 2008 ), bruises on pickling cucumbers ( Ariana et al., 2006 ), pork marbling ( Qiao et al., 2007 ), contaminant detection on poultry carcasses and cantaloupes ( Lawrence et al., 2006; Vargas et al., 2005 ), pits in tart cherries ( Qin and Lu, 2005 ), nematodes in cod fillets ( Heia et al., 2007 ), cracks in shell eggs ( Lawrence et al., 2008 ), and so on. In order to detect citrus surface defects, Gómez-Sanchis et al. (2004, 2008) developed multispectral imaging to detect infections caused by Penicillium digitatum in citrus fruits. To investigate the detection of canker on citrus fruit surface, Qin et al. (2008, 2009) utilized principal component analysis (PCA) together with a simple threshold classifier and spectral information divergence (SID) classification method to discriminate canker on grapefruit from other peel diseases using hyperspectral images with an accuracy of 92.7% and 95.2%, respectively. These research works provided good references and resources for dealing with various problems associated with detection of citrus surface defects. However, to our knowledge no attempts were made to differentiate different defect types such as insect damage, wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, canker spot, copper burn, phytotoxicity, heterochromatic stripe using hyperspectral imaging. In addition, hyperspectral imaging technology has not yet been directly implemented in an in-line system for automated quality detection because its time requirements for image acquisition and analysis are too great ( Mehl et al., 2002 ). Usually, the hyperspectral data can be used to determine optimal wavelengths for developing multispectral imaging system. The multispectral imaging approach in conjunction with selected wavelengths is favorable for rapid in-line assessments ( Kim et al., 2002, 2005; Liu et al., 2007 ). The main objective of the present study was to investigate the potential of using a hyperspectral imaging for detecting various common defects on orange surfaces. For this purpose, the research was conducted through (1) development of a hyperspectral imaging system with a spectral region from 400 to 1000 nm to detect various common defects on orange surfaces; (2) determination of effective wavelengths for skin defects detection based on principal component analysis method; (3) development of an algorithm to identify stem-ends from true defects; (4) development of a simple algorithm to isolate defected areas from sound surfaces. The ultimate purpose was to develop a faster and more efficient multispectral method for real-time inspection of orange defects. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Orange samples The orange samples were hand picked from two different commercial orchards in Jiangxi during the harvest season of 2009 and 2010, respectively. A total of 460 samples were separated into non-defect and defect groups by visual inspection. The defects included insect damage, wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, canker spot, copper burn, heterochromatic stripe and phytotoxicity. The diseases on the fruit surfaces show different symptoms. Wind scar, which is caused by leaves, twigs, or thorns rubbing against the fruit, is a common physical injury on the fruit peel, and the scar tissue is generally gray ( Qin et al., 2009 ). Scale infestation, insect damage, and thrips scarring are caused by insect, which generate surface blemishes during the fruit growing season. The armor of the scale is 2–3 mm long, dark brown in appearance. Lesions of insect damage and thrips scarring are caused by some insect bites and the color of surface blemishes are gray and brown, respectively. Heterochromatic stripe fruit is characterized by non-uniform surface color. Those regions commonly appear as deep yellow stripe shape. Citrus canker is caused by bacteria, and it is featured with conspicuous dark lesions. Most circular in shape, canker lesions vary in number, and they are superficial (up to 1 mm deep) on the fruit peel ( Qin et al., 2009; Schubert et al., 2001 ). Number of the canker lesions on every orange surface in this study was approximately in the range of 5–27. Copper burn scar, as a non-infectious disease, is caused by high temperature from long time sun exposure. The affected areas exhibit tan lesions in appearance. Phytotoxicity is caused by residual pesticide and exhibit brown around fruit calyx ( Li et al., 2010 ). The area of infected region is bigger than one-seventh of fruit surface area in this study. Fig. 1 shows samples with various common peel defects and stem-end. Twenty samples of each type of skin defect and thirty samples of normal oranges were selected from the 2009 data set as training set and used to develop the algorithm. In addition, thirty samples of each peel type were selected from the 2010 data set as test set and used to evaluate the performance of algorithm for this study. All the samples were washed and treated with chlorine and sodium o-phenylphenate (SOPP) at Machine Vision Lab of College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. These samples were then stored in an environmental control chamber maintained at 5 °C and they were removed from cold storage about 2 h before imaging to allow them to reach room temperature. 2.2 Hyperspectral imaging system A schematic diagram of developed hyperspectral imaging system with a spectral resolution of approximately 0.58 nm is shown in Fig. 2 . The system consists of five components: an imaging spectrograph (ImSpector V10E-QE, Spectral Imaging Ltd., Oulu, Finland) coupled with a standard C-mount zoom lens (V23-f/2.4, Specim Ltd., Finland), two 150 Watt (W) halogen lamps assemblies (SCHOTT DCR III, SCHOTT North America, Inc., USA) provided a uniform VIS–NIR illumination for the sample in the field of view of the optics, a Hamamastsu monochrome linear CCD camera (C8484-05G, Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan) with 1344 effective pixels, a sample transportation plate (PSA200-11-X, Zolix Instruments Co., Ltd., Beijing, China), and a computer (ACER, Inter®CoreTM2 4400@2.00 GHz, RAM 1.00G). The spectrograph has a prism-grating-prism (PGP) element, which is a holographic transmission grating. During measurements with the spectrograph-camera assembly, the system is well shielded from the environment to minimize interference from ambient light ( Wallays et al., 2009 ). The PGP disperses the incoming light corresponding to a pixel in the scanned line into its spectral components and projects the range from 400 to 1000 nm onto the CCD of the camera. The size of the acquired images is 1344 by 700 pixels with a resolution of 9.25 pixels/mm. The wavelength range between 550 nm and 900 nm was used in this investigation due to inefficiencies of the system at certain wavelength regions (e.g., low light output in the VIS < 550 nm, and low quantum efficiency of the CCD in the NIR > 900 nm). 2.3 Hyperspectral image acquisition The laboratory-based system was operated in a darkened inspection chamber where only the halogen light sources were used. In order to acquire more accurate data, some parameters need be adjusted before the images were acquired. In this study, the exposure time was adjusted to 200 ms and the speed of fruit movement was adjusted to 0.12 cm/s throughout the test. The object distance was set 42.5 cm. The average illumination intensity from samples surface was 27333 lux acquired through a lux gauge (TES1336A). During image acquisition, the orange samples were placed on a tray painted with flat black paint that were fixed on the positioning table ( Fig. 2 ), manually orienting the side of the fruit that contained the defects towards the camera. The camera and spectrograph were then used to scan the oranges line-by-line as the transportation plate moved the oranges through the field of view of the optical system. The line scan data were saved and processed later to create hyperspectral image cubes containing spatial and spectral data. The spectral images were acquired based on Spectral Cube_v2_75 software (Spectral Imaging Ltd., Finland). However, after images were acquired, we found that several defective areas located on the border of the fruit in acquired images due to human fatigue error. These images were also used in our study. Due to the uneven intensity of light source in different bands and the existence of dark current in CCD camera, some bands with less light intensity acquired the bigger noises ( Polder et al., 2003 ). Therefore, the hyperspectral images need to be calibrated with a white and a dark references. The dark reference was used to remove the dark current effect of the CCD detectors, which are thermally sensitive. The dark image (with 0% reflectance) was collected by turning off all light sources and covered the lens with a black cap. A Teflon white board with the 99% reflection efficiency (Spectralon, Labsphere Inc.) was used to obtain white reference image. The corrected image ( R ) was calculated using Eq. (1) ( Mehl et al., 2002; Xing et al., 2005; ElMasry et al., 2009 ): (1) R = R o - R d R r - R d where R o is the acquired original hyperspectral image, R r is the white reference image, R d is the dark image. 2.4 Data processing and analyzing All data processing and analyzing were performed using the Environment for Visualizing Images software program (ENVI 4.6, Research System Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) and Matlab 2008a (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA) with the image processing toolbox. This research uses the ENVI software package for the application of PCA to the hyperspectral images of oranges. In the process of creating the PCA images, a correlation matrix of the image is calculated. This correlation matrix is then used to compute the eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are equivalent to the variance of each principal component (PC) image. These PC images are ordered in the decreasing degree of variance sizes, where first PC accounts for the largest variance ( Liu et al., 2007 ). The more details on this method can be found in Malinowski and Howery (1980) . In this study, the PCA was used to reduce spectral dimensionality of the hyperspectral reflectance images, and to aid in visualizing the hyperspectral data to determine the several dominant wavebands responsible for discriminating defects from normal orange surfaces. Before applying the PCA and band ratio, a binary mask was created to produce an image containing only the fruit, avoiding any interference from the background that could reduce discrimination efficiency. Image at 750 nm was used for this task because it appeared the best contrast between the fruit surface and the background and can be segmented easily by setting a simple threshold value. Subsequently, individual principal component (PC) images were visually evaluated to determine PC images with (1) the least variation in normal orange surfaces and (2) the largest contrast between defective areas and sample surfaces. Each PC image is a linear sum of the original images at individual wavelengths multiplied by corresponding (spectral) weighing coefficients. Several wavelengths with high (local maxima) and low (local minimum) weighing coefficients from the PC image were selected as the dominant wavelengths ( Vargas et al., 2005 ). Principal components images using only the selected dominant wavelengths (multispectral images) were re-calculated. Because band ratio images can effectively enhance the contrast between different regions and produce more uniform responses across the orange surface ( Vargas et al., 2005 ), the two-band ratio method was also used in this study. The two-band ratio was performed as Eq. (2): (2) Q t / k = R t R k where Q t / k represents a quotient of spectral reflectances, and R t and R k are reflectance intensities at t nm and k nm, respectively. Finally, the multispectral PC images and two-band ratio images were combined and subjected to a simple thresholding method to segment the defective areas from the normal areas. In addition, morphological filtering was used during defects segmentation with an aim of removing undesired small size pixels (noises) in the binary images. One step morphological opening operation based on a rectangle structuring element with a 3 × 3 kernel size in MATLAB morphological filter tools were used in this study and defined as erosion of the image by structuring element, followed by a dilation of the result by same structuring element. Structuring element with a 3 × 3 kernel size was used mainly considering effectively removing the noises and retaining some small defects like scale infestation as many as possible in defect binary image. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Hyperspectral reflectance spectra The representative regions of interest (ROIs) reflectance spectra of orange samples studied in the wavelength range between 550 and 900 nm are shown in Fig. 3 . These spectra were extracted from the hyperspectral image data of training set and were an average of twenty spectra (one per orange) for each type of peel condition, except for stem-end and sound orange which were used to obtain the mean spectra from fifteen spectra (one per orange) per type. Each spectrum was obtained from a rectangular ROI, varying in size from 80 to 100 pixels. The reflectance of spectra depicted in the VIS region was lower than in the NIR region over the entire spectral region. The spectra of sound peel showed higher reflectance comparing to the defective peels and stem-ends in the spectral region between 600 and 775 nm. Therefore, the bands from VIS region could be more adequate for defects detection than NIR region bands. However, the spectra shown in Fig. 3 do not account for the spatial variations (decreases) in intensities from the center portions toward the edges. The single band image was also attempted to segment different types of defects studied by using a simple thresholding. The results showed that it was hardly to get the target due to variations in the gray level within the defective area and the surrounding surface, which was in agreement with results achieved by Benneden and Peterson (2005) . On the one hand, it was reasonable to observe that the spectral features of heterochromatic stripe fruit were similar to sound fruit surfaces, which made the detection of this defect very difficult. On the other hand, it was also practically very difficult to identify heterochromatic stripe area from sound skins based on RGB images due to the color similarity ( Fig. 1 ). In addition, one common feature also observed from stem-end and phytotoxicity in the spectra is absorption of chlorophyll a at approximately 689 nm. The spectra of most defective surfaces have maxima located approximately at 810 and 875 nm, respectively. On the basis of these features, band ratio algorithms could be promoting to identify stem-ends from other defects. 3.2 PCA in the VIS to NIR region of the spectrum The first three images (denoted by PC-1 to PC-3) obtained from PCA for the hyperspectral reflectance images of oranges samples using all 599 wavelengths in the region from 550 to 900 nm are shown in Fig. 4 . The PCA provides a means to reduce the high spectral dimensionality of image data. Features such as wind scarring and heterochromatic stripe which are not readily visible in the individual images are more apparent in these images. In the first principal component (PC-1) images, intensity decreases from the center to the edges of oranges, and they do not provide more unique features than the original untransformed hyperspectral images. The PC-2 images demonstrate more information of defects on fruit surfaces. The defective regions could be clearly identified in the PC-2, especially for insect damage, wind scarring, thrips scarring, copper burn, phytotoxicity and heterochromatic stripe. In the PC-3 images, only the insect damage and heterochromatic stripe could be more effectively identified comparing to PC-2. Starting from PC-4 (figures not shown), the transformed images no longer possess meaningful information, and they are not useful for oranges surface defects detection. Based on visual assessment, the PC-2 images provide the better peel defects discrimination. However, the noises are also observed in some sample surfaces, such as insect damage, canker spot and stem-end. The main reason may be due to too many bands used to perform PCA. 3.3 PCA in the VIS region of the spectrum The gray levels variations between defective and sound skin regions were mainly affected by the spectra from VIS region. The spectra in the NIR region were usually not sensitive to the variations. Thus, PCA on the full wavelength region (VIS to NIR) may weaken the contrast of different regions on fruit surface. In general, the band region from 380 to 780 nm is known as VIS region ( Hernández-Andrés et al., 2001; Skoglund et al., 2004 ). In addition, the image information below 600 nm shows poor features in our study. The poor features may be brought because chemical components in the orange peel are not sensitive to this waveband region. Therefore, the hyperspectral images in the wavelength range of 600–780 nm were used to perform PCA for further analysis. Fig. 5 illustrates representative PC-1, PC-2 and PC-3 images obtained from the PCA of the 600–780 nm hyperspectral reflectance image data. The PC-1 images reflected a weighted sum and showed effects similar to those observed in the entire spectral region ( Fig. 4 ). Subsequent PC-2 images depicted the best contrast between skin defects and normal orange surfaces for different types of samples. PC-3 images did not give any useful information for defects identification. Compared to PC-2 images in Fig. 4 , the PC-2 images shown in Fig. 5 were more effective to identify various peel defects. It was also noticed that some obvious noises remained on orange surfaces, such as normal surface with stem-end. These noises were easy to be misclassified as defects (false positive). In addition, using too many wavelengths (309 spectral channels with a spectral resolution of approximately 0.58 nm) was also not effective to develop multispectral system for defects detection. 3.4 Selection of optimal spectral wavebands The weighing coefficients for the PC-2 obtained by using images across the entire spectral region are shown in Fig. 6 a for wind scarring, insect damage, scale infestation and thrips scarring, and 6b for canker spot, copper burn, heterochromatic stripe, phytotoxicity and stem-end, respectively. The weighing coefficients for the PC-2 obtained by using images from VIS region are shown in Fig. 6 c and d, respectively. The peaks and valleys indicated the dominant wavelengths. Therefore, six wavebands from 550 to 900 nm were chosen, which were centered at around 630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm, respectively. In addition, two wavelengths at around 691 and 769 nm from VIS region were also singled out for further analysis. 3.5 PCA on selected optimal wavebands The principal components analysis was first carried out on the six optimal wavelengths (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) instead of the full wavelength range. The first five PC images are shown in Fig. 7 . A visual inspection of the five PC images revealed the major features such as defected regions and stem-ends became more evident in these transformed images except for PC-1 and PC-5. The useful image features were enhanced from PC-2 to PC-4. Since each PC image shown in Fig. 7 is a linear sum of the original images at six optimal wavelengths multiplied by corresponding weighing coefficients, the intensity value of defective areas in the PC images changed with different PC images. As shown in Fig. 7 , the defected regions of fruit surfaces appear dark in PC-2 and PC-3 images, and turn bright in PC-4 images. The surface defects in PC-5 images are not as evident as those in PC-2, PC-3 and PC-4 images because of the relatively low contrasts between the defective regions and the sound skins. The resultant multispectral PC images (i.e., PC-1, PC-2 and PC-3 in Fig. 7 ) obtained from the multispectral PCA also gave similar characteristics in appearance to those (i.e., PC-1, PC-2 and PC-3 in Fig. 4 ) obtained on the full wavelength region. However, the multispectral PC images were more effective to identify defects due to decreasing noises from too many bands. In addition, less spectral bands were desired to develop robust and rapid multispectral imaging systems suitable for skin defects detection. The resultant PC-2, PC-3 and PC-4 images shown in Fig. 7 clearly demonstrated that they all may be used to segment defects. However, compared to PC-3 images, the PC-2 and PC-4 were more sensitive to illumination variations. PC-2, for example, the lighter region (center portions) of original images appeared lower intensities than other part after performing the PCA. The sensibility suggested that the PC-2 and PC-4 may be inadequate for very reliable detection of various skin defects. Based on the inspection and the comparisons above, the PC-3 images showed great potential for discriminating various common orange peel defects from sound skins. Therefore, PC-3 images were chosen for performing the images classification. Fig. 8 illustrates the second principal component images (PC-2) obtained by PCA of hyperspectral reflectance images using two selected wavebands (691 and 769 nm) images in the VIS region. Because the PC-1 for two wavebands (691 and 769 nm) exhibited similar results in appearance to those of the corresponding PC-1 images shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 7 , only PC-2 images are shown in Fig. 8 . Based on visual assessment, the PC-2 ( Fig. 8 ) appeared to also provide the best orange peel defects detection regardless of defect types and illumination variations (Note that a dome lamp can be effective to prevent the effect from illumination variations, which is not the aim of this work). Therefore, PC-2 ( Fig. 8 ) images were also chosen for further analysis. 3.6 Band ratio images for stem-ends identification In the PC images (i.e., PC-2, PC-3 and PC-4 in Fig. 7 or PC-2 in Fig. 8 ), it was very easy to observe that the characteristics of stem-ends resembled those of the peel defects. Therefore, the stem-ends could be misclassified as defects (false positive). Based on the spectral responses in Fig. 3 , the two-band ratio using 689 and 810 nm pair or 689 and 875 nm pair could be potential to detect stem-ends because of the reflectance spectra of stem-ends region exhibiting local minimum value at 689 nm, and local maximum values at 810 and 875 nm. To develop robust and rapid multispectral imaging systems suitable for skin defects detection, less spectral bands were desired. On the one hand, the wavelength at 689 nm was replaced by a wavelength at 691 nm. On the other hand, two-band ratio images based on wavelengths at 691 and 769 nm were also observed. The ratio images were obtained and shown in Fig. 9 . Compared to the resultant images, the R769/R691 and R810/R691 ratio images were ineffective in producing images for distinguishing the stem-end from most surface defects. On the contrary, the R875/R691 ratio images showed clear stem-end region (white area in Fig. 9 ), which suggested much promise in the detection of stem-ends because of most peel defects regions exhibiting darker features. In the study, it was found that sometimes canker spots and phytotoxicity regions could give similar intensity value to stem-end in R875/R691 ratio images due to the two types of defects usually appearing slightly green skin characteristic. However, in most situations, the stem-ends were significantly lighter than canker spots and phytotoxicity region in the R875/R691 ratio images due to greener color characteristic for stem-ends region. 3.7 Defects detection algorithm Fig. 10 demonstrates major procedures for multispectral images processing and detection for thrips scarring identification using an orange sample with stem-end and thrips scarring scar on the fruit. Based on analysis in Section 3.5 and 3.6, two wavebands images at 691 nm and 769 nm and two wavebands images at 691 nm and 875 nm are effective for detection of defects and identification of stem-end, respectively. Therefore, three wavebands (691, 769 and 875 nm) images were used in Fig. 10 . Firstly, a mask template was created using a single-band image at 750 nm, and three wavebands (691, 769 and 875 nm) images were masked using the template to exclude the background that could affect the results. Then, on the one hand, the images at 691 and 875 nm were first used to produce ratio image (R875/R691). Afterwards, a global threshold value of 0.8 was applied to the ratio image to separate stem-end from the fruit surface. On the other hand, the PCA based on two images at 691 and 769 nm was also performed to generate two PC images (PC-1 and PC-2). Subsequently, the addition operation was performed between stem-end binary image and PC-2 image to increase stem-end gray value (stem-end gray compensation). Finally, the compensated PC-2 image was subjected to a simple thresholding method with a global threshold value of 0.23 to separate the defective skins from the normal fruit surfaces. Note that flow charts of the key steps for defects detection algorithm based on PCA from six (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) and two (691 and 769 nm) optimal wavelengths are similar. The only difference is if the PC images are generated by six wavebands, the addition operation was performed using stem-end binary image and resultant PC-3 image. In some cases, there are some very minor defects/blemishes (noises) on normal orange surfaces. Because these noises may carry the same spectral signature as defects detected in this work, some normal orange could be misidentified as defected oranges. In order to overcome this problem, one step morphological opening operation (Erosion and Dilation) and two steps dilation operation for stem-end binary images and single one step morphological opening operation for defect binary images was used to remove these noises ( Fig. 10 ). Note that two steps dilation operation for stem-end binary image is used in order to compensate the stem-end as completely as possible in addition operation. The resultant binary image with segmented defects is shown at the left bottom image in Fig. 10 . Two global threshold values of 0.8 and 0.23 used in the algorithm was chosen based on spatial profile plots for stem-end and defects. Fig. 11 shows R875/R691 ratio image and compensated PC-2 image in Fig. 10 . The plots adjacent to these two images illustrate spatial variations in intensity values (percent reflectance) along the white lines in the images, respectively. The dotted horizontal lines in the profile plots represent threshold lines for stem-end and thrips scarring segmentation, respectively. Note that although only one representative orange with stem-end and defect are shown in Fig. 11 , selection of threshold values are generally based on the results observed in all training samples. In terms of stem-ends identification, canker spots and phytotoxicity for R875/R691 images sometimes could be misclassified as stem-ends if only intensity information was used. However, the area of region infected by phytotoxicity is usually significantly bigger than stem-end area and the number of canker spots on the orange surface is more than one. Thus, the size and number of marked region for stem-end binary image, as two characteristics, can be used to further identify stem-end. Firstly, the stem-end binary image ( Fig. 10 ) was obtained and marked. If only one region in the stem-end binary image was marked and its size was less than 278 pixels (Note that a stem-end region vary in size from 164 to 275 pixels in this research), this region was classified as stem-end. Then, the addition operation for stem-end gray value compensation was performed before defects segmentation. Otherwise, any other case, the addition operation was not performed and corresponding PC images (PC-3 for six bands and PC-2 for two bands) directly were used to segment defects. By doing this, although there was a very low percentage of false detections for samples with canker spots and phytotoxicity (Note that the false detections are acceptable due to only occurring in defective fruit), the classification procedure above-mentioned can be simplified. An example of analysis performed by the proposed approach for each peel type is shown in Fig. 12 . The illustrated nine samples were randomly selected from test set. In order to obtain more distinct contrast, RGB images of fruit were showed in the first row, and the defective regions were marked manually using a graphical tool. Second row shows the two-band ratio images (R875/R691). Third and fourth rows correspond to PC-2 images obtained using the two selected wavebands (691 and 769 nm) in the VIS region and PC-3 images obtained using six selected wavebands (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) in the full wavelength region, respectively. Fifth row corresponds to binary images obtained using developed algorithm based on two-band ratio (R875/R691) images and PC-2 images. Sixth row corresponds to binary images obtained using developed algorithm based on two-band ratio (R875/R691) images and PC-3 images. It can be noticed that defects positions in the RGB images are different with those in the PC and ratio images because the fruit was imaged using the different cameras (hyperspectral imaging cameras and RGB cameras) in different inspection chambers, so moved from one image to other but presenting the same defects images for each type. In the binary images, the normal fruit surfaces and stem-end were converted to zero, and the remaining white regions represented defects isolated from the normal fruit surfaces, showing the effectiveness of the proposed classification algorithm for defects detection. 3.8 Identification results The algorithms for multispectral image processing and classification described above were evaluated using 270 independent samples. The test results for different types of defects are shown in Table 1 . A total of 270 fruit samples were divided into two classes: ‘Defected’ class including 240 samples with eight types of skin defects, 30 samples for each type, and ‘Normal’ class including 15 samples with stem-end and 15 samples without stem-end. All samples were evaluated using two detection methods: one was two-band ratio (R875/R691) and PCA using two wavelengths (691 and 769 nm), the other was two-band ratio (R875/R691) and PCA using six wavelengths (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm). As shown in Table 1 , the overall detection accuracy for the tested samples was 93.7% and 91.5% with no false positives (0 out of 30 normal oranges) based on two methods, respectively. In terms of the first detection method, all ‘Scale infestation’, ‘Copper burn’ and ‘Normal’ samples were correctly identified under T 1 = 0.8, T 2 = 0.23. Note that the T 1 and T 2 represent the threshold values applied to two-band ratio images and PC images (see Fig. 11 ), respectively. Seventeen samples were undetected, including two ‘Insect damage’ samples, three ‘Wind scarring’ samples, two ‘Thrips scarring’ samples, two ‘Canker spot’ samples, one ‘Phytotoxicity’ sample, and seven ‘Heterochromatic stripe’ samples. The reflectance properties for heterochromatic stripe was close to those of normal skin (see Fig. 3 ), especially for the lightly heterochromatic stripe. That probably is the reason for the lowest identification rate for this case. However, if identification accuracy is not required to be very high, fruit with heterochromatic stripe is usually considered as sound fruit. For undetected wind scarring, canker spot, one insect damage, and phytotoxicity samples, the lightly defects presented on orange surfaces. After PCA was performed, the contrast between defective areas and sound skins is lower. In this study, we also attempted to increase threshold value T 2 from 0.23 to 0.39 in order to improve detection rate of defective oranges. However, although the defects detection rate was improved from 92.9% to 95.4%, it was also found in this investigation that false positive rate was increased from 0% to 3.3% along with increasing the threshold value, showing the selection of threshold values is very important in defects detection. The cases of incorrect detection of thrips scarring and other insect damage are different: what happened here is that these damages located on the border of the fruit in the detected image, indicating that the identification algorithm could be affected by the position of defected regions on fruit surface in the detected image. Therefore, the accuracy for the identification using the simple global thresholding method may be decreased for detecting the orange samples when defects located on the border of the fruit. In general, two strategies could be potential to resolve this problem. One method proposed in many literatures was performed by simply not inspecting the borders of the fruit in the images. Not inspecting the borders, however, does not imply losing efficacy, since in the in-line automatic computer vision systems for fruit inspection, the fruits rotate, thus allowing the system to inspect most of the fruit surfaces by acquiring different images while they pass below the camera ( Blasco et al., 2007a ). The other method was that local threshold value was applied instead of global threshold method. In order to use this principle, the fruit detected was first segmented into two parts, border region (circular region) and remaining region (middle region). Then, different threshold values were applied to two regions. 4 Conclusions In this investigation, hyperspectral reflectance images were evaluated for detecting various common defects on the orange surface in the wavelength range between 550 and 900 nm. This investigation illustrated that high spectral dimensionality of reflectance images data were reduced to few optimal wavelengths to form multispectral images by using the PCA method. We identified six wavelengths (630, 691, 769, 786, 810 and 875 nm) and, alternatively, three wavelengths (691 and 769 and 875 nm) could potentially be implemented in multispectral imaging systems for detection of orange peel defects. The two-band ratio and PCA coupled with a simple threshold method achieved the best 93.7% orange surface defects identification accuracy and no false positives. It should also be pointed out that simple two-band ratio (R875/R691) algorithm could be more effective to identify stem-ends from skin defects compared to pattern recognition algorithms, which increase the computational complexity. Although the results shown in this study were further manifestation that multispectral reflectance techniques based on band ratio and PCA method for detection of various common defects on orange surfaces in practical applications may be feasible. However, because of the limited sample size for each type defect and skin defect types, it could not indicate that wavelengths at 691, 769 and 875 nm were the best wavelengths to develop algorithm for all defect types of citrus fruit. Therefore, further research will focus on (1) increasing the sample size and collecting samples with other types of skin defects, such as anthracnose and sooty mold, to make the algorithm more robust; (2) applying this procedure to other citrus fruit such as tangerine, pomelo and lemon; and (3) developing an efficient multispectral imaging system, including developing a better classification algorithm in conjunction with morphological information of defects. 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Identification of Common Skin Defects and Classification of Early Decayed Citrus Using Hyperspectral Imaging Technique
Hailiang Zhang,Ying Chen,Xuemei Liu,Yifeng Huang,Baishao Zhan,Wei Luo
IF: 2.9
Food Analytical Methods
Abstract:Automatic detection of fruit skin defects is always one of the main tasks of post-harvest processing of citrus fruit. However, it is a challenge to identify different types of defects simultaneously due to a high rate of unpredictability in texture and color of defects. In addition, as a typical spherical fruit, the uneven lighting distribution on the citrus is also one of the main problems causing low accuracy of defect detection. This study observed that the feasibility of using visible-near-infrared (Vis-NIR) hyperspectral reflectance imaging technology to identify the common seven types of skin defects on oranges and also classify the early decayed oranges from other samples simultaneously. Segmented principal component analysis (PCA), such as Vis-NIR-PCA, Vis-PCA and NIR-PCA, was first performed to reduce data dimensions and obtain the optimal principal component (PC) that was used to extract several characteristic wavelength images. Five characteristic wavelength images centered at around 540, 623, 675, 805, and 975 nm were selected based on the optimal Vis-NIR-PC2 image and weight coefficient analysis. The mean normalization method was used to correct the uneven lighting distribution on spherical orange fruit based on characteristic wavelength images. The multispectral image processing algorithms for detection of all defective oranges and classification of early decayed oranges are developed, respectively. For the investigated 397 independent test samples, an overall classification accuracy of 97.73% was obtained for differentiating normal and defective oranges based on mean-PC images combined with the improved watershed segmentation algorithm, and identification rate of 100% was obtained for classifying decayed and non-decayed oranges based on mean-PC5 and a simple global threshold. The results of this study can be used as a reference to develop the fast and low-cost multispectral image detection system for the rapid detection of defective citrus fruit and classification of specific oranges with early decay synchronously.
food science & technology
Development of Algorithms for Detecting Citrus Canker Based on Hyperspectral Reflectance Imaging
Jiangbo Li,Xiuqin Rao,Yibin Ying
IF: 4.1
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Automated discrimination of fruits with canker from other fruit with normal surface and different type of peel defects has become a helpful task to enhance the competitiveness and profitability of the citrus industry. Over the last several years, hyperspectral imaging technology has received increasing attention in the agricultural products inspection field. This paper studied the feasibility of classification of citrus canker from other peel conditions including normal surface and nine peel defects by hyperspectal imaging.RESULTS: A combination algorithm based on principal component analysis and the two-band ratio (Q687/630) method was proposed. Since fewer wavelengths were desired in order to develop a rapid multispectral imaging system, the canker classification performance of the two-band ratio (Q687/630) method alone was also evaluated. The proposed combination approach and two-band ratio method alone resulted in overall classification accuracy for training set samples and test set samples of 99.5%, 84.5% and 98.2%, 82.9%, respectively.CONCLUSION: The proposed combination approach was more efficient for classifying canker against various conditions under reflectance hyperspectral imagery. However, the two-band ratio (Q687/630) method alone also demonstrated effectiveness in discriminating citrus canker from normal fruit and other peel diseases except for copper burn and anthracnose. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
Hyperspectral Reflectance Imaging for Detecting Citrus Canker Based on Dual-Band Ratio Image Classification Method
Li Jiangbo,Rao Xiuqin,Guo Junxian,Ying Yibin
Abstract:Citrus are one of the major fruit produced in China. Most of this production is exported to Europe for fresh consumption, where consumers increasingly demand best quality. Citrus canker is one of the most devastating diseases that threaten peel of most commercial citrus varieties. The aim of this research was to investigate the potential of using hyperspectral imaging technique for detecting canker lesions on citrus fruit. Navel oranges with cankerous, normal and various common diseased skin conditions including wind scar, thrips scarring, scale insect, dehiscent fruit, phytotoxicity, heterochromatic stripe, and insect damage were studied. The imaging system (400-1000 nm) was established to acquire reflectance images from samples. Region of interest (ROI) spectral feature of various diseased peel areas was analyzed and characteristic wavebands (630, 685, and 720 nm) were extracted. The dual-band reflectance ratio (such as Q720/685) algorithm was performed on the hyperspectral images of navel oranges for differentiating canker from normal fruit skin and other surface diseases. The overall classification success rate was 96.84% regardless of the presence of other confounding diseases. The presented processing approach overcame the presence of stem/navel on navel oranges that typically has been a problematic source for false positives in the detection of defects. Because of the limited sample size, delineation of an optimal detection scheme is beyond the scope of the current study. However, the results showed that two-band ratio (Q685/630) along with the use of a simple threshold value segmentation method for discriminating canker on navel oranges from other peel diseases may be feasible.
Nondestructive Detection of Citrus Defection Using Hyper-spectra Imaging Technology
Abstract:A hyperspectral imaging system was developed for detecting various common defects on citrus. Citrus with end rot, insect dot damage, rot damage, thrip scars and normal citrus were chosen. Hyperspectral images of citrus samples and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to confirm two best wavelengths (615 nm and 680 nm). PC2 of PCA was selected to classify the images. Finally, the detection algorithm combined PCA and band ratio was developed and achieved an accuracy of 94%. The results showed the feasibility of the proposed method.
Automatic Detection of Common Surface Defects on Oranges Using Combined Lighting Transform and Image Ratio Methods
Jiangbo Li,Xiuqin Rao,Fujie Wang,Wei Wu,Yibin Ying
IF: 6.751
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Abstract:Automatic detection of fruit peel defects by a computer vision system is difficult due to the challenges of acquiring images from the surface of spherical fruit and the visual similarity between the stem-ends and the true defects. In this study, oranges with wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, dehiscent fruit, anthracnose, copper burn, canker spot and normal surface were researched. A lighting transform method based on a low pass Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency D0=7 was first developed to convert the non-uniform intensity distribution on spherical oranges into a uniform intensity distribution over the whole fruit surface. However, the stem-ends were easily confused with defective areas. In order to solve this problem, different color components (R, G and B) and their combinations were analyzed. It was found that a ratio method and R and G component combination coupled with a big area and elongated region removal algorithm (BER) could be used to differentiate stem-ends from defects effectively. Finally, a processing and classification algorithm based on a simple thresholding method was proposed. The result with 98.9% overall detection rate for the 720 independent sample images indicated that the proposed algorithm was effective in differentiation of normal and defective oranges. The method, however, could not discriminate between different types of defects.
Hyperspectral Reflectance Imaging for Detecting Typical Defects of Durum Kernel Surface
Feng-Nong Chen,Pu-Lan Chen,Kai Fan,Fang Cheng
Abstract:In recent years, foodstuff quality has triggered tremendous interest and attention in our society as a series of food safety problems. The hyperspectral imaging techniques have been widely applied for foodstuff quality. In this study, we were undertaken to explore the possibility of unsound kernel detecting (Triticum durum Desf), which were defined as black germ kernels, moldy kernels and broken kernels, by selecting the best band in hyperspectral imaging system. The system possessed a wavelength in the range of 400 to 1,000 nm with neighboring bands 2.73 nm apart, acquiring images of bulk wheat samples from different wheat varieties. A series of technologies of hyperspectral imaging processing and spectral analysis were used to separate unsound kernels from sound kernels, including the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the band ratio, the band difference and the best band. According to the selected bands, the best accuracy was 95.6, 96.7 and 98.5% for 710 black germ kernels, 627 break kernels and 1,169 healthy kernels, respectively. The result shows that the method based on the band selection was feasible.
Application of Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Machine Vision Technique to Evaluate the Ripeness of Melons ( Cucumis melo L.)
Aichen Wang,Xiaping Fu,Lijuan Xie
IF: 2.9
Food Analytical Methods
Abstract:Visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy was applied to determine the ripeness of melons ( Cucumis melo L.). The total soluble solids (TSS) and flesh color distribution around the equator fracture surface was studied, and a high correlation between TSS and flesh color in the outer mesocarp region was observed. A new ripeness index, defined as the edible ratio (ER), was proposed. One hundred and twenty melons with similar sizes were selected as samples and divided into a calibration set and a prediction set. Spectra of melons were acquired separately under transmittance and interactance modes. A machine vision system was established to acquire images of the melon fracture surfaces to further calculate the ER values of the melons. Partial least squares (PLS) calibration models were developed to predict the melon ripeness indices, including TSS, surface color (SC), and ER value. The results were promising for TSS, Hunter a , and ER value. For Hunter b , the results were insufficient. In addition, by comparing the performances of the calibration models developed under different detection modes, it was concluded that the best calibration results for TSS and ER were achieved under the transmittance mode, while for Hunter a , the best result was obtained using interactance spectra.
Improving the Identification Accuracy of Sugar Orange Suffering from Granulation Through Diameter Correction and Stepwise Variable Selection
Yingjie Zheng,Shijie Tian,Lijuan Xie
IF: 6.751
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Abstract:Granulation is one of the main diseases for citrus fruit, causing the loss of water and nutrients. To prevent citrus with granulation from flowing into the market, it is essential to identify them. In this study, sugar oranges suffering from granulation were detected online using visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy technology. Diameter correction and stepwise variable selection were optimized to improve the identification accuracy. To eliminate or weaken the effect of different sample sizes on the Vis/NIR transmission spectrum which leads to the decline of accuracy, the average extinction coefficient inside the fruit was calculated to correct the transmittance spectra of different sizes of citrus, and the effective variables of the spectrum were selected stepwise using variable importance of projection (VIP), selectivity ratio (SR) and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS). Four different pretreatment methods (standard normal variate (SNV), multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), mean center, 1st derivative) were used to process the spectra before and after correction, and two modeling methods (partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) and support vector machine (SVM)) were combined to develop the identification model. The results showed that the recognition accuracy of the models built from the corrected spectra was generally better than that of the uncorrected ones. The SNV-Mean Center-CARS-PLSDA model was optimal, with a discrimination accuracy of 94.00 % and an average discrimination error rate of 5.84 % for healthy and diseased samples. This study demonstrates that the proposed fruit diameter correction method combined with effective variable preference can effectively improve the discrimination accuracy of citrus granulation online, which is important for improving fruit quality and protecting consumers' interests.
Improving Discrimination Accuracy of Pest-Infested Crabapples Using Vis/NIR Spectral Morphological Features
Yuanhao Zheng,Ying Zhou,Penghui Liu,Yingjie Zheng,Zichao Wei,Zetong Li,Lijuan Xie
Abstract:The visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy technique is effective for fruit quality detection. The distinct spectral features can reflect the internal composition of fruits, while variations in external orientation may induce interference. Considering both external and internal factors, we improved the discrimination accuracy of pest-infested crabapples by compensating for variations in orientation and amplifying differences in spectral morphological features (SMFs). Firstly, spectral intensity variations caused by orientations and morphological differences caused by pest infestation were analyzed. Based on these differences, the global model was established to mitigate the external orientation influence. Subsequently, SMFs, derived from spectral peaks and troughs, were employed to amplify spectral features. Finally, with the supplementation using 1st deviation, SMFs improved the discrimination performance of the partial least square–linear discriminant analysis (PLS-LDA) model for pest infestation, yielding results of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy as 95.14
Comparison of Detection Modes in Terms of the Necessity of Visible Region (VIS) and Influence of the Peel on Soluble Solids Content (SSC) Determination of Navel Orange Using VIS–SWNIR Spectroscopy
Aichen Wang,Dong Hu,Lijuan Xie
IF: 6.203
Journal of Food Engineering
Abstract:Comparison of three detection modes (interactance, reflectance and transmittance) was performed in terms of the necessity of visible (VIS) region and the interference caused by peel in SSC assessment of navel oranges. Spectra of 88 oranges with peel and peeled were collected using a commercial available CCD spectrometer. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was used to develop calibration models. Results showed that the participation of VIS region degraded the performances of PLS models in transmittance mode, while for the other two modes VIS-SWNIR models turned out to be the best. The peel of oranges did not bring about significant negative influence on SSC determination in any detection mode. The best calibration models were achieved with transmittance mode regardless of sample status. Future research should be focused on specific reasons such as the composition of orange peel and the influence of different sizes of fruits. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enhancing Fruit SSC Detection Accuracy Via a Light Attenuation Theory-Based Correction Method to Mitigate Measurement Orientation Variability
Penghui Liu,Yuanhao Zheng,Hao Tian,Huirong Xu,Lijuan Xie
Abstract:Nondestructive online detection and sorting for fruit quality has gradually attracted attention in the global agro-product industry. However, the detection accuracy is influenced by many factors, such as fruit orientation, fruit shape, and environmental fluctuations. This study aimed to explore the impact of measurement orientation variation on spectra and soluble solids content (SSC) detection in apples and propose a correction method to mitigate the effect. Firstly, the visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectra ranging from 550 to 950 nm were collected in four orientations. Then, calibration models were developed for each orientation separately (local models) and all orientations corporately (global models) to evaluate and compensate for the effect of orientation. After that, the novel method based on the light attenuation theory was introduced to correct the acquired raw spectra and establish corrected orientation models. Results showed that measurement orientation significantly altered spectral intensity due to variations in surface curvature and optical path, thus declining models’ predictive power and robustness. Global models proved to be less susceptible to orientation variation compared with local models. The performance of both local and global models considerably improved post-orientation correction, attributed to the decrease of spectral distribution difference, with their average Rp2 and RPD increased by 93.38 % and 8.11 %, 10.56 % and 10.57 %, respectively, while the average RMSEP decreased by 16.01 % and 10.78 %, respectively. Overall, this work provides a more cost-effective and universal approach to impair the influence of measurement orientation and improve the accuracy and reliability of fruit quality online detection.
Nondestructive Detecting Rottenness Defect Of Citrus By Using Hyper-Spectra Imaging Technology
Chu Bing-Quan,Zhang Hai-Liang,Luo Wei,He Yong
Spectroscopy and spectral analysis
Abstract:Rottenness is a prevalent and devastating disease that threats citrus fruit. Automatic detection of rottenness can enhance the competitiveness and profitability of the citrus industry. In this study, hyper-spectral image technology was used nondestructively to detect citrus rottenness. Spectral curve in defects peel region of interest was analyzed and combined with principal component analysis to extract the four best bands. Principal component was used based on four best bands: 615 nm and 680 nm, 710 nm and 725 nm peaks combination respectively and ultimately selected component (PC-2) as image classification and recognition obtained from the 615 nrn and 680 nm principal component analysis and identification rate was 100% with a simple threshold segmentation. These results showed that using hyper-spectral as a kind of detection methods could be used for the evaluation of citrus rotteness recognition.
Detection of Hawthorn Fruit Defects Using Hyperspectral Imaging
Liu De-hua,Zhang Shu-juan,Wang Bin,Yu Ke-qiang,Zhao Yan-ru,He Yong
Abstract:Hyperspectral imaging technology covered the range of 380-1000 nm was employed to detect defects (bruise and insect damage) of hawthorn fruit. A total of 134 samples were collected, which included damage fruit of 46, pest fruit of 30, injure and pest fruit of 10 and intact fruit of 48. Because calyx · s⁻¹ tem-end and bruise/insect damage regions offered a similar appearance characteristic in RGB images, which could produce easily confusion between them. Hence, five types of defects including bruise, insect damage, sound, calyx, and stem-end were collected from 230 hawthorn fruits. After acquiring hyperspectral images of hawthorn fruits, the spectral data were extracted from region of interest (ROI). Then, several pretreatment methods of standard normalized variate (SNV), savitzky golay (SG), median filter (MF) and multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) were used and partial least squares method(PLS) model was carried out to obtain the better performance. Accordingly to their results, SNV pretreatment methods assessed by PLS was viewed as best pretreatment method. Lastly, SNV was chosen as the pretreatment method. Spectral features of five different regions were combined with Regression coefficients(RCs) of partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) model was used to identify the important wavelengths and ten wavebands at 483, 563, 645, 671, 686, 722, 777, 819, 837 and 942 nm were selected from all of the wavebands. Using Kennard-Stone algorithm, all kinds of samples were randomly divided into training set (173) and test set (57) according to the proportion of 3:1. And then, least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM) discriminate model was established by using the selected wavebands. The results showed that the discriminate accuracy of the method was 91.23%. In the other hand, images at ten important wavebands were executed to Principal component analysis (PCA). Using "Sobel" operator and region growing algrorithm "Regiongrow", the edge and defect feature of 86 Hawthorn could be recognized. Lastly, the detect precision of bruised, insect damage and two-defect samples is 95.65%, 86.67% and 100%, respectively. This investigation demonstrated that hyperspectral imaging technology could detect the defects of bruise, insect damage, calyx, and stem-end in hawthorn fruit in qualitative analysis and feature detection which provided a theoretical reference for the defects nondestructive detection of hawthorn fruit.
Application of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Defective Features in Loquat
Ke-Qiang Yu,Yan-Ru Zhao,Zi-Yi Liu,Xiao-Li Li,Fei Liu,Yong He
Food and Bioprocess Technology
Abstract:The intent of present work was to develop a valid method for detection of defective features in loquat fruits based on hyperspectral imaging. A laboratorial hyperspectral imaging device covering the visible and near-infrared region of 380–1,030 nm was utilized to acquire the loquat hyperspectral images. The corresponding spectral data were extracted from the region of interests of loquat hyperspectral images. The dummy grades were assigned to the defective and normal group of loquats, separately. Competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) was conducted to elect optimal sensitive wavelengths (SWs) which carried the most important spectral information on identifying defective and normal samples. As a result, 12 SWs at 433, 469, 519, 555, 575, 619, 899, 912, 938, 945, 970, and 998 nm were selected, respectively. Then, the partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) model was established using the selected SWs. The results demonstrated that the CARS-PLS-DA model with the discrimination accuracy of 98.51 % had a capability of classifying two groups of loquats. Based on the characteristics of image information, minimum noise fraction (MNF) rotation was implemented on the hyperspectral images at SWs. Finally, an effective approach for detecting the defective features was exploited based on the images of MNF bands with “region growing” algorithm. For all investigated loquat samples, the developed program led to an overall detection accuracy of 92.3 %. The research revealed that the hyperspectral imaging technique is a promising tool for detecting defective features in loquat, which could provide a theoretical reference and basis for designing classification system of fruits in further work.
Detection of skin defects on mangoes based on hyperspectral imaging combined with band ratio and improved Otsu method
Bin Li,Chi Yao,Cheng-tao Su,Ji-ping Zou,Jian Wu,Nan Chen,Yan-de Liu
IF: 5.304
Microchemical Journal
Abstract:Skin defects are one of the major concerns in post-harvest grading and processing of mangoes. Skin defects can cause mangoes to be easily damaged during transportation and storage, and also raise the risk of infection for other mangoes in the batch. To solve the problems of inefficiency and time-consuming of traditional detection methods of skin defects on mangoes, the hyperspectral imaging combined with band ratio and improved Otsu method for detecting on mangoes was proposed in this study. Firstly, Principal Component Analysis was used to the three regions of Vis-NIR (450–1000 nm), Vis (450–780 nm), and NIR (780–1000 nm). It was found that the PC2 image of the Vis-NIR region and the PC1 image of the Vis region were more effective in distinguishing defect areas. Next, based on the weight coefficient curves derived from the selected PC images, four feature wavelengths (642 nm, 702 nm, 744 nm and 942 nm) were determined. Additionally, the PC images and band ratio images were obtained from these feature wavelength images. The band ratio Q 744/942 image was determined to be the most suitable for detecting skin defects on mangoes. Finally, the segmentation results of global thresholding and the improved Otsu method were compared, and it was found that the improved Otsu method had better segmentation results. Mis-segmentation due to the stem-end region and the defective region had the same gray scale features. The band ratio Q 744/702 image based on the linear stretch transformation could be used to effectively distinguish the stem-end region and the defect region. The final overall accuracy was 96.67 % with no false positives. The results indicate that the proposed detection method in this study has the potential for online detection of skin defects on mangoes.
chemistry, analytical
Detection of early decayed oranges by structured-illumination reflectance imaging coupling with texture feature classification models
Zhonglei Cai,Wenqian Huang,Qingyan Wang,Jiangbo Li
IF: 5.6
Frontiers in Plant Science
Abstract:Citrus fruits are susceptible to fungal infection after harvest. To reduce the economic loss, it is necessary to reject the infected citrus fruit before storage and transportation. However, the infected area in the early stage of decay is almost invisible on the fruit surface, so the detection of early decayed citrus is very challenging. In this study, a structured-illumination reflectance imaging (SIRI) system combined with a visible light-emitting diode (LED) lamp and a monochrome camera was developed to detect early fungal infection in oranges. Under sinusoidal modulation illumination with spatial frequencies of 0.05, 0.15, and 0.25 cycles mm –1 , three-phase-shifted images with phase offsets of − 2π/3, 0, and 2π/3 were acquired for each spatial frequency. The direct component (DC) and alternating component (AC) images were then recovered by image demodulation using a three-phase-shifting approach. Compared with the DC image, the decayed area can be clearly identified in the AC image and RT image (AC/DC). The optimal spatial frequency was determined by analyzing the AC image and pixel intensity distribution. Based on the texture features extracted from DC, AC, and RT images, four kinds of classification models including partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), support vector machine (SVM), least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) were established to detect the infected oranges, respectively. Model optimization was also performed by extracting important texture features. Compared to all models, the PLS-DA model developed based on eight texture features of RT images achieved the optimal classification accuracy of 96.4%. This study showed for the first time that the proposed SIRI system combined with appropriate texture features and classification model can realize the early detection of decayed oranges.
plant sciences
Computer Vision Detection of Surface Defect on Oranges by Means of A Sliding Comparison Window Local Segmentation Algorithm
Dian Rong,Xiuqin Rao,Yibin Ying
IF: 8.3
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Abstract:Automatic detection of defective oranges by computer vision system is not easy because of the uneven lightness distribution on the surface of oranges. It means that the methods only directly using global segmentation provide unsatisfactory results when orange images present faint defect characters or inhomogeneous surface. The contrast between sound and defective regions can be used to produce more accurate segmentation results, which is more capable of detecting pixels lying around the defect boundary on orange surface based on the local segmentation method. In this paper, we study and propose a sliding comparison window local segmentation algorithm and also presents the detailed image processing procedure including removal of background pixels, image binarization using local segmentation, image subtraction, image morphological modification, removal of stem end pixels for detecting surface defect in an orange gray-level image. This method is an original contribution that allows successful segmentation of various types of surface defects (e.g., insect injury, wind scarring, thrips scarring, scale infestation, canker spot, dehiscent fruit, copper burn, phytotoxicity).The image segmentation algorithm was tested with 1191 samples of oranges. The proposed algorithm was able to correctly detect 97% of the defective orange. Future work will be focused on whole surface and fast on-line inspection. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Hyperspectral dimension reduction and navel orange surface disease defect classification using independent component analysis-genetic algorithm
Jing Li,Liang He,Muhua Liu,Jinyin Chen,Long Xue
IF: 5
Frontiers in Nutrition
Abstract:Canker is a common disease of navel oranges that is visible before harvest, and penicilliosis is a common disease occurring after harvest and storage. In this research, the typical fruit surface, canker spots, penicillium spore, and hypha of navel oranges were, respectively, identified by hyperspectral imaging. First, the light intensity on the edge of samples in hyperspectral images was improved by spherical correction. Then, independent component images and weight coefficients were obtained using independent component analysis. This approach, combined with use of a genetic algorithm, was used to select six characteristic wavelengths. The method achieved dimension reduction of hyperspectral data, and the testing time was reduced from 46.21 to 1.26 s for a self-developed online detection system. Finally, a deep learning neural network model was established, and the four kinds of surface pixels were identified accurately.
nutrition & dietetics
Application of Hyperspectral Fluorescence Image Technology in Detection of Early Rotten Oranges
Li Jiang-bo,Wang Fu-jie,Ying Yi-bin,Rao Xiu-qin
Abstract:Rottenness is most prevalent and devastating disease that threats citrus fruit. Automatic detection of early rottenness can enhance the competitiveness and profitability of the citrus industry. However, there is no efficient automatic detection technology at this time that could detect this disease. The navel orange was selected as research objective. Hyperspectral fluorescence imaging was used to detect early rottenness in orange. Optimum index factor (OIF) method was applied to identify the optimal band combination. 100% detection rate was achieved based on the optimal bands ratio image and two threshold values. The research showed that the proposed method can effectively overcome the affect from florescence effect because stem damage area and stem also can produce florescence under ultraviolet light This study will lay a foundation for developing multispectral detection system used in on-line detection of early rottenness fruit.
On-line detection of orange soluble solid content using visible and near infrared transmission measurements
Xiaping Fu,Yibin Ying,Huirong Xu,Bing Qi,Lijuan Xie
Abstract:A prototype of on-line system developed by ourselves was used to non-destructively inspect orange quality. This system includes three main parts: machine vision part for fruit external quality detection, visible and near infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy part for fruit internal quality detection, and weighing part for fruit weight detection. Fruit scrolled on the roller in the machine vision part, while stopped scrolling before entering the Vis-NIR spectroscopy part. Therefore, fruit positions and directions were inconsistent for spectra acquisition. This paper was aimed to study the influence of fruit detection orientation on spectra variation and model estimation performance using the on-line system. The system was configured to operate at typical grader speeds (0.27m/s or approximately three fruit per second) and detect the light transmitted through oranges. Stepwise multi linear regression models were developed for fruit with consistent directions and inconsistent directions in the wavelength range of 600-950 nm, and gave reasonable calibration correlations R-2=0.89-0.92 and low cross validation errors (RMSECV=0.44-0.56%). The calibration model with spherical samples only turned out the best prediction results, which has lowest RMSEP of 0.56%-0.63% for different fruit orientations. It can be seen from the study that fruit shape would influence the fruit orientation for spectra aqcuiring of spherical samples after scrolling, and would further influence the modeling resutls. It is better to acquire spectra and establish models for sampels with different shapes separately and then applying them based on shape detection resutls to improve the soluble solid content (SSC) prediction accuracy.