Dynamic ice forces caused by crushing failure
Qianjin Yue,Xiangjun Bi,Xi Zhang,Tuomo Karna
Abstract:The dynamic ice forces and structure vibrations caused by crushing failure of ice were investigated by full-scale tests conducted on a cylindrical compliant monopod platform in Bohai Bay, China. The tests displayed three ice force modes distinguished by ice speed, which cause structure quasi-static, steady-state or random vibrations. Analysis showed that the mechanism of each ice force mode takes place in ductile, ductile-brittle transition and brittle failure, respectively. The failure processes of each ice force mode during the loading and unloading phases are analyzed. INTRODUCTION It is well known that ice could induce slender vertical structure vibrations and that periodical forces are formed because of ice failure. However, the failure processes of ice interacting with a vertical structure are so complex that we are still hardly able to describe them. Timco (1986) and Blanchet et al. (1988) pointed that many different failure modes such as bending, shear, buckling and crushing etc., could take place depending on the contacting conditions. The focus of this research is on the crushing failure, since it is not only the most common case in narrow structures of the Bohai Bay (Yue and Bi, 2000), but believed to be cause biggest force and therefore induce severe vibrations as well. Moreover, crushing failure could induce steady-state vibrations. The mechanism of dynamic ice force formation in crushing is not very clear though. Different hypotheses have been put forward to model ice force crushing failure (Blenkarn, 1970; Paton, 1968; Michel, 1976; Neil, 1976). Sodhi (1988), Maattanen (1988), Jordaan (2001) have summarized the early and recent research. Based on the field tests on a lighthouse and channel marker, Engelbretson (1977) and Karna (1990) indicated that different vibration modes could be induced depending on the ice speed. Yue and Bi (2000, 2001) reported that two kinds of vibrations, i.e. steady-state and random vibrations, took place on the offshore platforms of Bohai Bay at intermediate and high ice speed. In this paper, more careful observations were conducted on a monopod structure such that vibration responses, ice forces and ice speed were recorded simultaneously and continuously. From the tests, three kinds of dynamic ice force and 1 DUT State Key Lab. of Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipment, China 2 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland , Finland vibration modes in crushing failure were discovered. Furthermore, the mechanism of ice force in each mode was analyzed. TEST SET-UP The tests were conducted on a monopod structure, which was designed for mooring oil tankers for JZ9-3 oil fields located in the north part of Bohai Bay. Sensors were deployed just to investigate the ice forces and ice-induced vibrations. Normally, the ice thickness is about 10 to 50 cm. The ice velocity in this area is controlled by tidal current and strong seasonal wind. The ice speed could reach nearly 1 m/s. The structure and test arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. Several accelerometers, strain gauges, and ice load panels were installed to measure the responses and ice forces. Twelve ice load panels were used in order to investigate ice force variations in time and space. As the ice load panels were segmented in twelve individual parts, the ice force in different areas of the contact zone could be obtained simultaneously. From these synchronized signals, it was possible to judge whether the ice failed simultaneously in the whole contact zone or not. Figure 2 shows the detailed arrangement of panels. i ce sheet accel er met er accel er met er ( i nsi de) wat er l evel l oad panel st r ai n gauge( i nsi de) vi deo camer a 6 5 8 7 9 10 11 12 Tr ue Nor t h