Jia Qika
Abstract:The harmonic optical klystron (HOK) in which the second undulator is resonant on the higher harmonic of the first undulator is analysed as a harmonic amplifier. The optical field evolution equation of the HOK is derived analytically for both CHG mode (Coherent Harmonic Generation, the quadratic gain regime) and HGHG mode (High Gain Harmonic Generation, the exponential gain regime), the effects of energy spread, energy modulation and dispersion in the whole process are considered. i s s e a a ϕ = ~ , as=eEs/(mc 2 ks) and a u=eBu/(mc 2 ku) are dimensionless vector potential of the rms radiation field Es and undulator field Bu, respectively; k s=2π/λs, ku=2π/λu are the corresponding wave number; ϕs is the phase of radiation field; φ=(ks+ku)z-ωst is the pondermotive phase of electron, re is the classical electron radius; ne and γ is the density and energy of electrons; the angular bracket represents the average over the electron's initial phases and initial phase velocities. δp is the polarization modify factor: for circularly polarized helical undulator δp=1; for linearly polarized planar undulator with even nth harmonic radiation δp =0, and with odd nth harmonic δp=(J,J)n,
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