Functional reconstruction of talocrural (ankle) joint soft tissue after impingement syndrome

Sun Xi-guang,Gu Gui-shan
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: Talocrural (ankle) joint soft tissue injury is a commonsports injury, which can affect the activities of daily life and quality of life,its damage and importance of early diagnosis and treatment have graduallyattract the attention of medical field. This paper reviewed the long-termplenty of studies by scholars, and summarized the latest progress of thefunctional reconstruction of talocrural joint soft tissue after impingementsyndrome.DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of Medline databasewas undertaken to identify articles about impingement syndrome of talocru-ral joint soft tissue published in English between January 1990 and De-cember 2004 with the keywords of “ankle impingement syndrome, diagno-sis, treatment”. Meanwhile, Chinese articles about the impingement syn-drome of talocrural joint soft tissue published between January 1990 andDecember 2004 were retrieved in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), the keywords were “ankle joint, ankle injury, lateral ligament ofankle”in Chinese.STUDY SELECTION: The literatures of observation and comparativestudy, experience summary, case report about talocrural joint soft tissueinjury were selected, and the latest investigative progress was retrieved toobtain overall data. Repetitive studies were deleted.DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 40 articles about talocrural joint soft tis-sue injury were collected, 13 repetitive studies were deleted, and 27 wereinvolved, including 2 about the definition of impingement syndrome oftalocrural joint soft tissue, 10 about the diagnosis, 14 about the treatment,and 1 about the new development.DATA SYNTHESIS: The long-term swelling and pain of talocrural jointwithout fracture-dislocation are called the impingement syndrome oftalocrural joint soft tissue. The pathogenesis is the talocrural joint peripher-al tissue injury, the physical signs are the limitation of activity and defor-mity of talocrural joint. The forced flexion of foot is the key point of diag-nosis. Assistant examinations can be performed by means of imaging,arthroscopy and MR arthroscopy. The treatment is non-operatively (localexternal fixation, external compression, ultrasonic intermediate frequency-modulated electrotherapy, traditional medicine) and operation under arthro-scope, and the newly emerged holmium laser makes the operation underarthroscope have more obvious advantages.CONCLUSION: The suitable therapeutic program is adopted by consider-ing the characteristics of talocrural joint soft tissue injury and taking theearly diagnosis as direction. The newly developed apparatus reduces theunnecessary operative therapy, but the best operative occasion and the bestoperative mean will decrease the damage by operation to the least.
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