A Brief Review Of Uhp Meta-Ophiolitic Rocks, Southwestern Tianshan, Western China

Lifei Zhang,Yongliang Ai,Shuguang Song,Juhn Liou,Chunjing Wei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2747/0020-6814.49.9.811
International Geology Review
Abstract:We here summarize recent studies of the occurrence, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of a new UH P metarnorphie belt in [lie southwestern Tianshan. Eclogites here are grouped into three types: (1) lenticular eclogite bodies surrounded by blueschists; (2) eelogites with relio pillow structures; and (3) banded celogile layers within marbles. They contain inclusions of coesite pseudomorphs in garnet, eoesit.e exS0JUti0n rods in omphaeite, and the possible stable association of aragonite + magnesite after dolornite. Rocks record three discrete stages of reerystallization: a peak UHP eclogite stage at 560-600 degrees C and 4.9-5.0 GPa, a main UHP eclogite stage at 598-496 degrees C and 2.6-2.7 GPa and retrograde overprinting under epidote bluesehist-facies conditions. Protoliths possess geochernical cha racteri sties of ocean-island basalts that originated from an enriched mantle with ENd = -1.4 to -0.4, NMORB from depleted mantle with ENd = +6.7 to +7.4, and EMORB from enriched mantle with E;Nd = -2.5 to +3.2. SHRIMP dating of zircon separates shows that the oceanic basaltic prototiths formed in a pre-Carboniferous (> 310 Ma) seamount environment, began northward subduction beneath the Yili-central,rianshan craton at the end of the Permian (280-290 Ma) and were subjected to HP-UHP metamorphism in the Triassic (220-230 Ma). Based on tile Occurrenee of thisTriassic HP-UHP belt together with discovery of coeval low-P granulite-facies rocks to the north, a paired metalmorphic belt tectonic inodel is proposed for the southwestern Tiansban, wesiern China.
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