CHEN Yanguang
Abstract:The power-law associated with fractalsis often regarded as a signature of feasible optimalitythus yielding further support to the suggestion thatoptimality of the system as a whole explains the dy-namic origin of fractal forms in nature. Many empiri-cal studies have shown that cities have fractalstructures, and fractal structure is the optimized struc-ture of nature. In fact, a fractal body can occupy thespace in the most efficient pattern. In this sense,planned with the idea of fractals, a city will be able tomake the best of the limited geographical space. Thispaper explains what is fractal cities, how to under-stand and measure fractal cities, and how to plan thefuture cities using the idea of fractals. Fractal cities isone of the significant fields of self-organized cities,the development of the principle, theory, and methodof fractal city planning relies heavily on the advanceof the theory of self-organized cities as a whole.
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