An Improved Adaptive Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Yijun Huang,Weiguo Zhang,Xiaoxiong Liu
Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
Abstract:Aim.In our opinion,simulated annealing GAs suffer from shortcomings such as insufficient search efficiency and premature convergence.We now propose an improved adaptive simulated annealing GA that possesses better search efficiency and the capability to converge to good global optimum even for high-dimensional complex functions.We explain our improvement in detail in the full paper;in this abstract,we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the two topics of explanation:(A) description of traditional simulated annealing GAs and proposed adaptive simulated annealing GA;the six characteristics of traditional simulated annealing GAs are described;the proposed adaptive simulated annealing GA is described;cross probability and mutation probability of the proposed algorithm are selected adaptively for enhancing algorithm stability and convergence with the help of eqs.(4) and(5) in the full paper proposed by us;(B) the proof of our theorem for the convergence of the proposed adaptive simulated annealing GA;the proof is rather lengthy and takes up more space than topic(A).Finally,for comparing our proposed algorithm with traditional simulated annealing GAs and the improved evolutionary programming algorithm,we give a numerical simulation example,whose results are given in Table 1 in the full paper.These results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm as applied to high-dimensional complex functions and its performances are better than those of traditional simulated annealing GAs and the improved evolutionary programming algorithm.