Latency and Reliability-aware Geographic Routing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Yuan Rao -,Changan Yuan -,Zhaohui Jiang -,Leiyang Fu -,Jun Zhu -
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences
Abstract:The mobility and energy scarcity are two main challenges of efficient routing in mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, messages should be reliably transported to the Sink with low latency in many application scenarios. To accomplish this, a hierarchical routing scheme, Latency and Reliability-aware Geographic Routing (LRGR), is proposed. Firstly, the cluster is formed considering node mobility and residual energy to tackle with the dynamic network topology and constrained energy. To ensure inter-cluster routing, several key ingredients are developed, such as indirect communication amongst adjacent cluster heads using their common gateways, aggregate path metric based on the connectivity, geographical position, residual energy and sojourn time of adjacent cluster heads. Simulation results demonstrate that LRGR can enhance the network lifetime while has lower latency and packet loss ratio when compared to VIBE.