The key technologies for a large-scale real-time interactive video distribution system
Liqun Ma,Haihong Shen,Qishan Zhang
Abstract:A real-time, interactive video distribution system on Internet for large-scale users faces three bottlenecks: real-time performance, interactive performance and bandwidth pressure. This paper, based on the approach to establish a Real-time Peer-to-Peer network (RTP2P) with the minimum video data delay as the primary goal, and establish a hybrid framework of P2P and centralized networks, argues that the goal of real-time, interactive video distribution system for large-scale users is able to be achieved. The key technologies include: greedy scheduling algorithm, push-pull scheduling model, and the hybrid network model. The test result proves, through an online education system with 2000 simultaneous users, that the end user's video delay is within 10 seconds. Compared with the normal P2P video streaming system with the delay varies between 30 to 120 seconds, Real-time P2P is far more close to C/S networks, the widely adopted network in China, the high bandwidth cost of which restricts its promotion. In short, RTP2P is a more real-time, lower bandwidth-costing network to distribute video stream, saving more than 90% of the bandwidth cost. This program is applicable to the field of large scale users' video real-time performance and interaction, such as online education, chat rooms, multimedia social games, live broadcasting, etc.