Chinese Economy 2009:Leading the World Economy out of Crisis
Shu-jie YAO,De-sheng ZHANG,Dan LUO
Abstract:The world economy began to recover from the global contraction in 2009,while Chinese economy demonstrated a powerful strength.While the key industrialized countries were suffering from massive economic shrinkage,China still managed to realize 9.1% GDP growth in 2009,for the first time edging narrowly ahead of Germany in exports and emerging to be the world's largest exporting economy for the whole year.The conservative nature of Chinese banks' investment in derivatives,large foreign exchange reserves,a very good fiscal position and a swift reaction of the political regime in China to the crisis all help Chinese government demonstrate a success to the world.The crisis also presented China a 'once-in-a-century' opportunity to speed up the process of becoming the world's top economic entity.On the other hand,there are a lot of challenges in such fields of the future economic development model,foreign trade,environment,unemployment,and income distribution.