Screening,Selection and Development of High Inorganic Phosphorus Mutants in Rice
Abstract:Three mutated rice populations, derived from dried seeds of M 1 materials (ca 13.5% moisture) treated with 300 Gy of 60Co gamma rays at 0.8 Gy/min, or 250 Gy followed by 2-hour treatment of germinating seeds in NaN 3 solution (1×10 -3 mol/L), were screened for high inorganic phosphorus (HIP) seeds. The frequency and transmission mode of HIP seeds from M 2 to M 5 were investigated. Using a 96-well V-type plate, the inorganic P (iP) content of 8 individual seeds from each plant was qualitatively tested using five standard P (KH 2PO 4) solutions, equal to seed P concentrations of 0.00, 0.15, 0.46, 0.93 and 1.39 mg/g. Seed showed higher iP than 0.46 mg/g was chosen as a HIP seed, and M 2 plant with at least 1 HIP M 3 seed was designated as a tentative HIP plant, and the same for M 3 and higher generations. Less than expected number of HIP M 3 plant lines (M 2:3) were identified from HIP M 2 plants. However, most HIP M 3 lines yielded HIP M 4 progenies. Based on the number of HIP plant lines in M 3 and M 4, it was estimated that HIP mutation frequency was around 0.1% in rice. Two bred-true HIP mutant lines, one from indica rice Xieqingzao B, named HIPi1, the other from japonica rice Xiushui 110, named HIPj1, were developed. Analysis of the brown rice showed that, compared with its parent, the phytic acid P of HIPi1 decreased about 35% and iP content increased as high as 3.5 times, while total P remained almost unchanged. A protocol was proposed for HIP mutant inducing, screening and breeding for rice based on the finding.