Art as "Presented Scenario" for Children (Use of Theatrical Pedagogical Methods in Art Assignments with Children Aged 3-10 Years)
N. E. Basina
Journal of Russian and East European Psychology
Abstract:The theme "Children and art" contains many riddles and questions. In these times of crisis in the one-sided rationalist orientation of our educational system, many look to art for a solution. Unfortunately, however, only a few have as yet succeeded in overcoming the inertia of the logical approach to comprehending the surrounding world. This applies not only to the natural sciences but also to the domain of bringing children in contact with the arts. Representational art and music have especially suffered. Theater, thanks to its ludic nature, suffers less. The pedagogy of art continues to employ an informational approach, although now dull and dry information about the life and activities of artists, composers, and writers and the names of works of art are being replaced by information about figurative-emotional content of a very general nature. Special art schools teach the crafts particular to each art form. But the most basic aspect, that without which art could not exist, which defines art as play, namely, its sensuous reflection of the world, remains unexplored. In particular, this aspect consists of: (1) creativity, the imaginative, ludic transformation of impressions of the real world; and (2) the personal element in what is expressed.