Safety study of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells derived from wharton's jelly tissue (extra-toxicity study of intravenous infusion of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in rats)
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the extra-toxicology of intravenous injection of the human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells(HUMSCs) derived from wharton's jelly in SD rats.Methods:① HUMSCs derived from Wharton's jelly tissue were aseptically isolated from a male infants delivered full-term and in vitro expanded.The characterized surface antigens on the 4th generation of the HUMSCs were stained by fluorescent antibodies and analyzed by flow cytometer.The multipotential differentiation of the cells were performed using osteogenesis and adiposis kit.② 16 SD rats weighting 180-190g were divided into experimental and control groups.Each group includes 4 males and 4 females rats.In the experimental group,5×107/mL HUMSCs in 0.5 mL saline solution were infused through the tail vein.After 5 days of the infusion,the blood samples were drew through the abdominal aorta.The blood routine examination and the biochemical indexes were done in the clinical lab.The brain,heart,lung,liver and kidney were collected for HE staining.Results:①the 4th passage of the HUMSCs expressed positively the specific surface antigen such as CD73,CD90 and CD105,and the positivity arrived 95.1%,98.8% and 98.3%;The expression of CD34,CD45,CD11b,CD19,CD14,CD79a and HLA-DR were 0.6%,1.2%,5.6%,0.3%,9.3%,0.2% and 0% respectively.The differentiation rate of the HUMSCs towards the osteoblasts and adipocytes 97.6% and 95.8%;② experimental animals all survived after HUMSCs treatment,and on the 5 day for HUMSCs infusion all of blood routine parameters and most biochemical indexes in the experimental group did not show any significant difference compared to the control.③ However the blood glucose,AGA,serum glycated albumin,cardiac kinase、and CO2were significantly decreased in the experimental group.④ HE staining showed that no significantly morphological and pathological changes in the brain,heart,lung,liver and the kidney in the HUMSCs treated group.Conclusion:The intravenous infusion of the HUMSCs didn't provoke the extra-toxicity of the rats.