Imaging Findings and Pathology Study of Bronchioalveolar Carcinoma
Abstract:Objective:To study the imaging findings and pathology of bronchioalveolar carcinoma (BAC)to increase di-agnostic accuracy.Material s and Methods :The X-ray,CT and pathologic findings of 40cases of BAC were reviewed.Re sults:There were3types of BAC,in which21cases were of solitary nodule or mass type,13cases were of consolida-tion type,6cases were of the diffused nodular type.In the solitary nodule type,18nodules were located peripherally,3were located centrally.The main features in this type were pleural traction18cases(85.7%),vascular aggregated sign18cases(85.7%),spiculation16cases(76.2%),lobulation11cases(52.3%),air bronchogram11cases(52.3%),vacules5cases(23.8%).In consolidation type,single segmental?lobar consolidation were seen in6cases,multisegmental?lobar consolidation in7cases.The main features of this type were:air bronchogram9cases (100%),honeycomb sign8cases (88.9%),ground glass appearance4cases (44.4%),bulging of interlobar fissure3cases(33.3%),aggregation of vascular bundle3cases(33.3%).The main features of diffused nodular type were:various sizes of nodules were distributed asymetrically and in homogenerously in both lung fields,with nodular fus-ing in6cases,vacules within nodules4cases(66.7%),air bronchogram in fused nodules2cases(33.3%),vascular aggregated sign5cases (83.3%),pleural traction5cases (83.3%),spiculation4cases (66.7%).Con clu sions :The imaging features of bronchio-alveolar carcinoma were very com pli cated,mastering the imaging sign of BAC is very help ful to in crease di agnostic ac curacy.