Ruction Of Numerical Dispersion In 2d-Lod-Fdtd Method Through Parameter Optimization
Qi-Feng Liu,Wen-Yan Yin,Chong-Hua Fang,Jing-Wei Liu
Abstract:This paper presents a parameter optimized local one dimension (PO-LOD) FDTD method based on (2, 4) stencil to achieve better dispersion performance. With different optimization schemes, the method can be applied to satisfy various requirements, such as minimum dispersion error in the axes direction, in the diagonal direction, for two arbitrary angles, and minimum average dispersion error. Through the stability analysis for the (2, 4) LOD-FDTD method, it can be proved all the schemes proposed here are unconditionally stable. Through comparison, it can be concluded that (2, 4) LOD-FDTD method outperforms the previous parameter optimized LOD-FDTD method based on the (2, 2) LOD-FDTD stencil in several aspects.