Social Network Analysis Basic Theory:Present and Future
Xiaolong DENG,Yuxiao LI,Jie ZENG
Abstract:With very fast developing speed of online social network users and their influence to our daily life, it is urgent for researchers to explore the essential scientific problem, investigate the disciplinary issues and common laws of social network, study the fundamental theory and basic approach to qualitatively or quantitatively researching on social network.And in recent years, researchers always focus on three components of relation structure, network group and network information to explore the essence of social network.To dealing the three essential components above, this paper analyzes and summary the related work of six aspects of social network such as basic concept, classification, components, statistical indicators, community detection algo-rithm in social network.It also looks ahead to the development trends of social network such as structure statistic analysis of new generation in social network, information semantic recognition and sentiment judgment in multilingual and complex sentiments en-vironment, psychological interaction disciplines in information spreading process and so on.