Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Filter with Hexagonal Resonator
Z. Q. Xu,Y. Shi,P. Wang,J. X. Liao,X. B. Wei
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
Abstract:A novel substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) hexagonal resonator structure and its applications to bandpass filters are presented. Based on the SIW techniques, the resonance characteristic of proposed resonator is investigated. The hexagonal SIW resonators, which can combine flexibility of rectangular cavities and performance of circular cavities, are convenient for bandpass filters design. Since any of the six sides of a hexagonal resonator can be utilized for coupling, the filter configurations are flexible and adaptable. By changing the coupling sides of the hexagonal resonators, two types of experimental circuit configuration at the same central frequency of 10 GHz but with different fractional bandwidths of 3 and 6%, including third-order Chebyshev and crossed-coupling trisection, are constructed, fabricated, and measured. Measured results show a good agreement with simulated ones and validate the proposed configurations.