Two-side Trading Mechanism, Information Transmission and Stock Price
Liang-liang YAN,Zhong-zhi HE,Long-bing XU
Abstract:Two-side or directional trading activity,such as buying,selling,opening,or closing a position,provides a new perspective to examine the information content and information transmission between the derivatives and the underlying markets.For example,an investor who establishes a long position in the stock index futures may possess some private positive information in the spot market;or his long position in futures market may be established in order to hedge his trading risk in the spot market.In this paper,we examine the information content implied from directional trading activity as well as the information transmission mechanisms between the spot and futures markets.The existing literature about information transmission across different markets uses information on prices and returns alone.However,market prices and returns are just the end results of trading activity between buyers and sellers.Without further knowledge about trading directions,we cannot infer the motives of trading behaviors,nor can we analyze the functions of different directions of trading activity through the price information alone.In the Chinese financial market,the CSI300 index futures contracts have been traded for more than four years.Since then,the debate of whether or not and to what extent the establishment of the index futures market has stabilized the spot market has attracted attention from both academics and practitioners alike.Furthermore,the investor structure in Chinese markets has the unique characteristics for its high percentage of individual investors.Therefore,can the futures market compensate the absence of short selling rules in the spot market? What is the information transmission mechanism from the spot market to the futures market,and vice versa? What are the functions and effects of directional trading behaviors in the futures market? These questions cannot be answered by using price information alone.Based on the research of directional trading activity and information transmission mechanisms between the futures market and spot market,this paper makes the first attempt to address these questions.Our paper analyzes the information content of directional trading and its transmission mechanism between the futures and spot markets.We use the tick-by-tick data of CSI300 index futures contracts,including each transaction of all the contracts between January 4~(th),2012 and December 31~(st),2013,and the five minutes price dataset of CSI300 index with the same time span.Then all the tick trading is divided into buy-initial and sell-initial trading based on the method introduced by Lee Ready(1991),we also introduce the method how to divide the trading into opening transaction and closing transaction.Based on the above research about directional trading recognition,we use Grange causality test method to analyze the relationship between futures trading and stock price.We find that futures trading activity makes a positive impact on spot prices at the intraday trading frequency.This implies that futures traders may possess a very short-term information advantage over stock traders.On the other hand,however,the spot market exerts its effects on futures trading at both inter-day and intraday intervals,and the influence exhibits significant differences.For example,trading activity in the spot market significantly affects the selling and closing positions of futures trading,but has much less influence on short selling activity of futures.Our results provide new evidence that the futures market demonstrates a stabilizing effect on the spot market,and the spot market still plays the dominate role.This paper contributes to the existing literature on directional trading and information transmission mechanisms between the derivatives market and spot market.We provide further evidence of stabilizing function of the futures market and leading role of the spot market in China.The research also draws several advice on the construction of derivative markets,such as trading mechanism,investor structure.