Characteristics of rutiles from Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit in Bangong Lake Belt of northern Tibet and their significance
LI JinXiang,QIN KeZhang,LI GuangMing,Xiao Bo,ZHANG TianPing,LEI XiaoGuang
Abstract:The Duobuza copper deposit discovered recently in Tibet is a typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit with superlarge prospect. The rutile formed during hydrothermal alteration is one of the most characteristic accessory minerals in this deposit, and the texture and composition of rutiles may reflect the evolutionary process of the ore-forming fluid and hence can be used as a guide to locate the principal ore body. On the basis of detailed field work, the authors studied rutiles from the potassic alteration zone and the intense argillic alteration superimposed potassic alteration zone, and the results indicate that rutiles occur in biotite phenocrysts and nearby places, and show irregular, grained (with the length and width being approximately 5~20 μm) and striped (with the length being approximately 10~50 μm and width 3~5 μm) forms. Electron microprobe analyses show that rutiles are relatively enriched in SiO2, V2O3 and FeO, with SiO2 ranging from 0.04% to 4.40%, V2O3 from 0.39% to 1.13%, and FeO from 0.51% to 3.01%. However, the concentrations of CaO, MnO, SnO, Al2O3, MgO, Cr2O3, K2O, Na2O and CuO are relatively poor, with CaO from 0.02% to 2.71%, and MnO, SnO, Al2O3, MgO and Cr2O3 as high as 0.2%, 0.1%, 1.97%, 0.96% and 0.63%, respectively. In general, K2O and Na2O values vary in the ranges of 0.11%~0.49% and 0.1%~0.23% respectively, CuO can be as high as 0.56%, and NiO is absent. Moreover, Fe, Al, V, Sn, Cr, Si and Cu show evident negative correlations with Ti, suggesting that these atoms have replaced Ti in rutile and possessed the crystal lattice. However, the relatively high concentrations of K, Ca and Na in rutile might have resulted from the compensating charge equilibrium. Rutiles mostly occur in the potassic alteration zone and have relatively high concentrations of CuO, K2O and Na2O, suggesting that the ore-forming magmatic-hydrothermal solution was enriched in Cu, K, Na, and that rutiles were formed in the potassic alteration zone. The intimate relationship between biotite and rutile indicates that most of rutiles were precipitated in the process of biotite alteration and recrystallization. In addition, the V2O3 concentration of rutiles from ore bodies of the Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit is higher than 0.4%, implying that the V concentration of rutiles is of great importance in delineating the main ore body of the porphyry copper deposit.