Recent Developments in the Theory of Externality and the Pigovian Solution*

Economic Record
Abstract:Economic RecordVolume 47, Issue 2 p. 169-185 Recent Developments in the Theory of Externality and the Pigovian Solution* Y. K. Ng, Y. K. Ng University of New EnglandSearch for more papers by this author Y. K. Ng, Y. K. Ng University of New EnglandSearch for more papers by this author First published: June 1971 15 † *I am grateful to Arthur Partridge for his help in improving the presentation of this paper. AboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat References 1 R. J. Lampman, ‘ Expanding the American System of Transfers to Do More for the Poor’, Wisconsin Law Review, Vol. 1969, No. 2. 2 A small sum above the minimum may be exempt from tax as in Australia and as proposed by President Nixon for the United States. 3 D. S. Lees, ‘Poor Families and Fiscal Reform’, Lloyds Bank Review, No. 86, October 1967. 4 ‘ Memorandum to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’, Supplement to Poverty– Journal of Child Poverty Action Group, Spring 1967. 5 R. F. Henderson, A. Harcourt and R. J. A. Harper, People in Poverty. A Melbourne Survey (Cheshire, Melbourne , 1970). 6 Lady J. Rhys Williams, Something to Look Forward To (MacDonald, London , 1943). 7 A. Christopher, G. Palangi, A. Seldon and B. Shenfield, Policy for Poverty (Institute for Economic Affairs, London , 1970). 8 P. Townsend and D. Wedderburn, The Aged in the Welfare State (Bell, London , 1965). 9 Henderson, Harcourt and Harper, op. cit. Citing Literature Volume47, Issue2June 1971Pages 169-185 ReferencesRelatedInformation
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