Organizational Justice, Employment Relationships and Employee Job Attitudes Based on Private Enterprises in Guangdong
Wang Lin,Chu Xiaoping
Abstract:Exploring the implications of employment relationships from the viewpoint of employees and its intermediary role between organizational justice and job attitudes of employees has important practical significance for the human resource management of enterprises in China. In this study, we use social exchange theory to develop a model of the processes linking organizational justice to the job attitudes of employees. First, we review the literature regarding the relationships between organizational justice, leader–member exchange, psychological contract violation and the job attitudes of employees. Secondly, based on this literature, we amend the scales for organizational justice, leader–member exchange, psychological contract violation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees through pilot-test and expert discussions. Thirdly, we test the reliability of the constructs in the study. Because several of the constructs in our study are related conceptually, we perform a series of confirmatory factor analyses to verify the constructs’ distinctiveness. Drawing on samples of 32 private enterprises from Guangdong province in China, we employ a series of structural equation models to test our hypotheses. The results of the study show that the relationships between leader–member exchange and job attitudes of employees are the strongest, and leader–member exchange fully mediated the influence of interpersonal justice and information justice on the job attitudes of employees. Furthermore, the relationship between psychological contract violation and the job attitudes of employees are strong, and psychological contract violation partially mediates the influence of procedural justice and distributive justice on the job attitudes of employees. Research also reveal that in order to improve the job attitudes of employees, private enterprises in China should not only seek to create an equitable environment, but also to build high-quality employment relationships that could be recognized by employees, in particular high-quality relationships between employees and immediate supervisors. This will enhance job satisfaction and the organizational commitment of employees.