Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty:Application Value in RHD Patients with MVS and TR
Chinese General Practice
Abstract:Objective Toinvestigatetheapplicationvalueofpercutaneousballoonmitralvalvuloplasty(PBmV)in rheumatic heart disease( RHD) patients combined with mitral valve stenosis( mVS)and tricuspid regurgitation( TR). Meth-ods Atotalof1700patientshadPBmVduetomVSfromJanuary2000toJune2012,including220combinedwithTR,90 males,130 females,aged 29~67 years,averagely(47. 5 ±7. 4)years old. Their mitral valvular area(mVA)was 0. 4~1. 5 cm2,mean(0. 9 ±0. 3)cm2;tricuspid regurgitation area(TRA)3. 2~26. 0 cm2,mean(11. 2 ±6. 5)cm2. Contract agent incremental method was used to make left atrial pressure decrease by 50%,or decrease to 15 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0. 133 kPa)or less,and diastolic rumbling murmur disappeared or decreased remarkably in left atrioventricular valve area. For those combined with right atrioventricular valve regurgitation,conjunctive use of diuretics to maintain urine output over 2 000 ml per day. Within days 2~3 after operation,transthoracic echocardiography was used to review mVA,TRA,left atrial diameter( LAD),right atrial diameter( RAD),pulmonary artery pressure( PAP),left ventricular ejection fraction( LVEF). Telephone or outpatient follow-ups were regular after PBmV,lasting 6~9 years,averagely(75 ± 32) months. At the end of the follow-ups,the a-boveindicatorswerereviewedbycolorDopplerechocardiography.Results In220patientscombinedwithTR,mVAincreased significantly after PBmV(P﹤0. 01). TRA reduced significantly in patients with mild,moderate TR(P﹤0. 01),but there was not significant difference in patients with severe TR between post- and pre-operations(P﹥0. 05). LAP,RAP,LAD, RAD decreased as compared with those before operation,the difference was significant(P﹤0. 01). PAP reduced from pre-operative(60. 6 ±15. 5)mm Hg to post-operative(48. 2 ±10. 3)mm Hg(P﹤0. 01). Diastolic rumbling murmur reduced from severe to mild,the symptoms of chest tightness,anhelation,dyspnea etc. relieved and heart function improved significant-ly. In follow-ups,2 patients with mild or moderate TA were lost,2 with severe TA died(1 died of massive cerebral infarction in years 6,1 of heart failure in years 8). mVA decreased to some extent at the end of follow-ups(P﹤0. 05);LAD,RAD increased slightly(P﹤0. 05),but lower than before operation;there was not significant difference in TRA,PAP LVEF be-tweenpre-andpost-operation(P﹥0.05).Conclusion PBmVcandecreasesymptomandTRAwithdefiniteeffectsintreat-ment of RHD patients with moderate or severe mVS and mild or moderate TR,and improve the quality of life of severe TA patients with good recent- and mid-term effect. Its long-term effects remain to be seen.