The ideia of the life-world
Nathalie Barbosa de la Cadena
Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia
Abstract:The idea of the life-world
Life-world is a concept present in various texts about Husserl’s phenomenology. Some interpreters consider it a late and inconsistent concept present in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. In this paper, I argue that the idea of the life-world had already been thought in Husserl’s early texts such as Ideas II (first manuscript 1912). This idea was firstly named as surrounding world (Umwelt), then world of experience (Erfahrungswelt), and finally life-world (Lebenswelt). However, despite the different nomenclature, the essence of the life-world remains the same throughout his work. The life-world is a priori, transcendent, and co-given. I will analyze each of these characteristics and conclude in favor of a conceptual monism running through Husserl’s work.
Keywords: Husserl, life-world, a priori, transcendent, co-given.