On the presence of cysts in the human pituitary
W. Shanklin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.1091040402
The Anatomical Record
Abstract:Occasional cysts have been described in the pituitaries of amphibians (Copeland, '43 and Kent, '45), reptiles (Altland, '39 and Poris, '41) and birds (Lothringer, 1886; Collin, '26 and Rahn, '39). Pituitary cysts have been described in a wide variety of riiammals ; marsupial "Ganiba," Didelphys aurita (Martins, '33), guinea pig (Vanderburgh, '17 and Chadwick, ' 37) , ra t (Martins, '33 and Opper, '40), tiger (Hanstrom, '46), badger, ferret and polecat (Hanstrom, '47), cat (Herring, '08) and dog (Bell, '19, Severinghaus, ' 38 ) , Cercopithecus and the sacred baboon, Papio hamadryas (Hanstrom, '48). Cysts in the human pituitary are rarely described unless they attain considerable size and are of clinical significance. Some of the papers on pituitary cysts in man derived from Rathke's cleft or residual lumen, are : Erdheim ( 'M), Cushing ( '12), Duffy ( '28), Kiyono ( '26), Frazier and Alpers ( '34), Gillman ( '40) and Hanstrom ( '48).