Improved Policies for Drowsy Caches in Embedded Processors
Junpei Zushi,Gang Zeng,Hiroyuki Tomiyama,Hiroaki Takada,Koji Inoue
Abstract:Abstract In the design of embedded systems, especially battery- powered systems, it is important to reduce energy consump- tion. Cache are now used not only in general-purpose pro- cessors but also in embedded,processors. As feature sizes shrink, the leakage energy has contributed to a significant portion of total energy consumption. To reduce the leak- age energy of cache, the Drowsy cache was proposed, in which the cache lines are periodically moved,to the low- leakage mode without loss of its content. However, when a cache line in the low-leakage mode is accessed, one or more clock cycles are required to transition the cache line back to the normal mode before its content can be accessed. As a result, these penalty cycles may significantly degrade the cache performance, especially in embedded processors without out-of-order execution. In this paper, we propose four mode,transition policies which aim at high energy re- duction with the minimum,performance,degradation. We also compare,our policies with existing policies in the con- text of embedded,processors. Experimental results demon- strate the effectiveness of the proposed policies.