Samuel Messick,Donald L. Alderman,William Angoff,Ann Jungeblut,Donald E. Powers,Donald Rock,Donald B. Rubin,T.W.F. Stroud
ETS Research Report Series
Abstract:ETS Research Report SeriesVolume 1980, Issue 1 p. ii-iii ArticleFree Access THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COACHING FOR THE SAT: REVIEW AND REANALYSIS OF RESEARCH FROM THE FIFTIES TO THE FTC Samuel Messick, Samuel Messick Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald L. Alderman, Donald L. Alderman Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorWilliam Angoff, William Angoff Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorAnn Jungeblut, Ann Jungeblut Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald E. Powers, Donald E. Powers Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald Rock, Donald Rock Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald B. Rubin, Donald B. Rubin Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorT.W.F. Stroud, T.W.F. Stroud Queens University • Kingston, OntarioSearch for more papers by this author Samuel Messick, Samuel Messick Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald L. Alderman, Donald L. Alderman Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorWilliam Angoff, William Angoff Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorAnn Jungeblut, Ann Jungeblut Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald E. Powers, Donald E. Powers Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald Rock, Donald Rock Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorDonald B. Rubin, Donald B. Rubin Educational Testing Service •Princeton, NJSearch for more papers by this authorT.W.F. Stroud, T.W.F. Stroud Queens University • Kingston, OntarioSearch for more papers by this author First published: June 1980 3AboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat REFERENCES Alderman, D. L., & Powers, D. E. The effects of special preparation on SAT-verbal scores (CB RDR 78–79, No. 4 and RR 79–1). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1979. [American Educational Research Journal, 1980, 17, 239– 251.). Belson, W. A. A technique for studying the effects of a television broadcast. Applied Statistics, 1956, 5, 195– 202. Breland, H. M. 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