Educational Reform and Political Backlash: Recent Changes in Chinese Educational Policy

Susan L. Shirk
Comparative Education Review
Abstract:Previous articleNext article No AccessEducational Reform and Political Backlash: Recent Changes in Chinese Educational PolicySusan L. ShirkSusan L. Shirk Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Comparative Education Review Volume 23, Number 2Jun., 1979 Sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society Article DOI Views: 22Total views on this site Citations: 20Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1979 The Comparative and International Education SocietyPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Wen Fan Education delayed but not denied: The Chinese Cultural Revolution cohort returning to school, Advances in Life Course Research 33 (Sep 2017): 53–65. W. Wiseman, Tiedan Huang The Development of Comparative Education Research on Chinese Educational Policy Reform: An Introduction, (Dec 2011): 1–18. Yoder Adaptation of Globally Held Ideas about Research in China’s Universities, (Jan 2010): 103–126. Han Impact of the Cultural Revolution on Rural Education and Economic Development, Modern China 27, no.11 (Aug 2016): 59–90. S. Bhalla Access to Education, (Jan 1995): 255–290. S. Bhalla Access to Education, (Jan 1992): 208–241. Ranson Education For Modernization: Meritocratic Myths in China, Mexico, The United States, and Japan, Journal of Economic Issues 22, no.33 (Jan 2016): 747–762. Bibliography, (Jan 1988): 219–227. Kwong In Pursuit of Efficiency, Modern China 13, no.22 (Aug 2016): 226–256. LIGHT, NANCY WORKS TRAINING TEACHERS ACROSS CULTURES: REPORT ON A FULBRIGHT PROGRAM IN CHINA, World Englishes 3, no.44 (Dec 1984): 269–278. Bastid Chinese Educational Policies in the 1980s and Economic Development, The China Quarterly 98 (Feb 2009): 189–219. Montgomery Broaded Higher Education Policy Changes and Stratification in China, The China Quarterly 93 (Feb 2009): 125–137. G. Altbach Higher education in advanced developing countries, Prospects 12, no.33 (Sep 1982): 293–310. Martin Carnoy Education for Alternative Development, Comparative Education Review 26, no.22 (Oct 2015): 160–177. Epstein An analysis of the Chinese national examination: The politics of curricular change, Peabody Journal of Education 59, no.33 (Nov 2009): 180–189. W.P Elliott Training revolutionary successors in Vietnam and China, 1958–1976: The role of education, science and technology in development, Studies in Comparative Communism 15, no.1-21-2 (Mar 1982): 34–70. Colclough The impact of primary schooling on economic development: a review of the evidence, World Development 10, no.33 (Mar 1982): 167–185. Rosen Obstacles to Educational Reform in China, Modern China 8, no.11 (Aug 2016): 3–40. Vulliamy Combining a constructive rural orientation with academic quality: High school outstations in Papua New Guinea, International Journal of Educational Development 1, no.22 (Sep 1981): 1–19. Bibliography, AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report 9, no.1010 (Jun 2009): 45–54.
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