Jiang Zijing,Hu Lei,Cao Xiu,Gao Chuanshan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-386X.2009.04.065
Abstract:Proceeding from hybrid P2P network topology structure and combining the DHT idea,a hierarchical P2P network model based on Distributed Hash Table was proposed in this paper at first.If the document sets are tremendous,it is almost impossible that users' queries can cover every document in the sets,in fact,the documents used to answer queries are only a small parts in the document set.According to this thinking,then we established distributed cache in the super nodes of hierarchical P2P network,a new approach to solve the problem of multi-term queries is given by using the distributed indexing and caching technology.In it,a certain "key" in multi-term queries would be located to the super node in charge of this "key" according to hash function and then search the distributed index in this node to get specific location of the cache,finally the queries from customers are answered.If there is no answer in the cache,then the queries will be broadcasted,meanwhile the historical broadcast queried information in the system is taken as the basis to calculate the interesting value of a certain cache term to be elected,the one with largest value will be added to the cache.Flooding algorithm as the normal technique for processing multi-term queries in P2P environments usually will generate enormous searching trafficin the network.Our method can release network congestion caused by multi-term queries at the cost of losing small storage capability in super nodes.At the same time,hierarchical P2P system based on DHT also has good stability,multi-term queries can be issued even when a large number of nodes join in or quit out of the system.