Clinical research progress on acute kidn ey injury

ZHAO Jin-yuan,WANG Shi-jun,MAO Li-jun,XU Xi-xian,GUAN Li,ZHAO Zan-mei
Abstract:Renal acute damage is one of th e most common critical illnesses which m ay come from various diseases and causes,owing to lacking of definite clinical m anifestation and specific diagnostic ind ex,there is a huge obstacle setted in ea rly diagnosis and timely therapy on the disease.For nearly a hundred years,ARF( acute renal failure)has always been cons idered as the signal of renal acute dama ge,while oliguria and azotemia were used as the indicators of ARF at early time, that leads to not a small fallacy in cli nical practice.Recent several decades,th e glomerular filtration function estimat ed by detecting endogenous creatinine cl earance(Ccr),that quite easy be interfer ed by many factors,was taken as the judging criterion of ARF,but it also much d elayed than the occurrence of r eal renal damage.All the above showed th at the traditional definition on renal a cute damage is so static,terminal and ab solute that the only answer to diagnosis of renal damage is yes or no.Therefore,even a timely diagnosed case,the illness cond ition already reached the critical phase and losed the best rescure opportunity. This paper in the light of 69 latest literatures makes a deep analysis on the merits and drawbacks of traditio nal concept on acute renal damage and it s classical indices,concisely introduces the modern concept of renal acute damag e,AKI(acute kidney injury)and its criter ia RIFLE and AKIN,additionally,it also d iscusses the progress and future orientation from clinical visual a ngle,that will well update our knowledge on renal acute damage,thereby further push our clinical work.
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