Paleoenviromental and Paleoclimatic Changes in Lake Xingkai Inferred from Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes of Bulk Organic Matter Since 28 Kabp

Abstract:Xingkai Lake,a transboundary lake by China and Russia,is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast Asia.A 269 m long continuous sediment core,approximately 28 ka-old at the bottom,from Lake Xingkai,has been analyzed first in China for the stable isotopes of carbon,nitrogen,TOC and C/N ratios,in order to study the paleoclimatic and paleoenviromental changes in the area.The result showed that all δ13Corg values are well within the range of-24.56‰~-27.67‰ derived from C3 vegetation,and the composition of δ13Corg in C3 plants increases with deceasing annual precipitation and temperature.So,sedimentary organic carbon in cold-dry periods is more enriched in 13C than that in warm-wet periods.Low TOC,which are typical for lower temperatures,coincided with lower C/N ratios,reflecting that in cold period the sedimentary organic matters mainly derived from aquatic organic matters which have higher δ15N values than terraneous organic matters.These results enable us to reconstruct the evolution sequence of paleoclimate in Xingkai Lake region,28 480~26 160cal.aBP,the climate was cold and dry;26 160~22 880cal.aBP,the climate became warm and wet;22 880~18 185cal.aBP correspond to the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM);18 185~12 650cal.aBP,it was an frequent oscillation period corresponding to Blling/Older Dryas/Allerd warm period;Younger Dryas cold event occured at about 90~78 cm depth in the core;11 500~4 570 cal.aBP,climate became wet and warm gradually,in which it was temperature-dry in early stage and temperature-wet in late stage,but 8 000~5 000 cal.aBP was Holocene Megathemal period(Holocene thermal optimum)in the area;During 4 570~1 470 cal.aBP,it was a cold-dry climate,and since 1 470 cal.aBP,climate became warm-wet again.
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