Maximum Likelihood Estmators for the Parameters of Normal Population in Randomly Censored Data

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
Abstract:Suppose that x_1,…,x_n,y_1,…,y_n are independent random variables,in which x_1,…,x_n have the same distribution N(μ,σ~2)(or LN(μ,a~2)) with unknown parameters. The observation data is (t_i,δ_i);i=1,…,n, in which t_i = min(x_i,y_i),δ_i = I(x_i≤y_i).Here I(E) is the indicator of set E.In the present paper,our main result is Thereom 1.In order that there exists the maximum likelihood estimate(MLE) of(μ,σ~2) based on {t_i,δ_i,i= 1,…,n},it is necessary and sufficient that the following condition(1) or(2) is satisfied: (1) There exist t_i<t_j such thatδ_i=δ_j = 1; (2) There exist t_i<t_j such thatδ_i =1;δ_j = 0. In addition,the computational algorithm for MLE and simulation examples are given.
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