Design and dynamic simulation of liquid fertilizer applicator pricking hole mechanism based on Pro/E and ADAMS
Yahua LIU,Jinwu WANG,Jinfeng WANG,Jinyan JU
Abstract:In order to obtain high working speed liquid fertilizer applicator,one kind of elliptic gear planetary galaxy,which had the steady movement,was designed as pricking hole mechanism of liquid fertilizer applicator.In order to meet the work requirements-pricking into and out of the soil vertically,the pricking depth was 120-150 mm,the appropriate parameters of mechanism were obtained: the semi-major axis of elliptic gear was 29.364 mm,the teeth quantity was 23,the ratio of semi-minor axes and semi-major axis was 0.958,the radius of circular gear was 25 mm.Based on three dimensional modeling design software Pro/E,components were drew and assembled to a whole.Through the changing preserved type of document,data exchange between Pro/E and ADAMS were realized.Virtual prototype model of mechanism was constructed,and kinematics simulation was carried on by using ADAMS,and then motion trajectory of the pricking hole mechanism was obtained.And the theoretical analysis was carried out to the simulation results.The results showed that virtual prototyping technology could realize rapid-design and exact-analysis in the pricking hole mechanism for liquid fertilizer applicator,which made the design speed increased but design cost reduced.