On the System Enviroment of Private Higher Education's Development:System Environment Choice Of China's Non-governmental Higher Education Development
Chen Wuyuan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14121/j.cnki.1008-3855.2008.z2.022
Abstract:The development of private higher education in the world is largely dominated by the presence of market- oriented and state-led system arrangements,and two different arrangements lead two different fates of the private higher education.International experience shows that,government attitude to private higher education at the state-led system will go through such a process,which is from the"exclusion"to the"last resort"to"accept and fully accepted".Generally speaking,"exclusion"is mainly manifested in the stage of elite education,"last resort"is mainly in the initial stage of mass education,"accept and fully accepted"is mainly in the stage of post mass or universal education,the development track of private higher education in most of the state-led countries has been or is being followed this rule.Now,China's higher education has just entered the mass education stage,and non-government higher education's development is facing some deep-rooted problems of system environment's improvement.Moreover,in the future,the task of higher education massification and universalization is still very arduous.However,if we follow the development rules of international private higher education,and improve the system environment of China's non-government higher education's development as soon as possible,then the transition of China's higher education from the elite stage to the massification stage to the universalization stage can be smoothly achieved.